"Here's even some coal from the jailbreak you did Water girl, I still admire that," Katara blushed at your words as you picked another rock.
"And this one is from when we met the Jet man, and Sokka saved those people," Sokka smiled at that, feeling flustered.
"It's not just for her, but for me knowing that I have people who cares for me," You grinned at them, but then Twig pushed you in distress.

You looked at him, a little confused, until you heard something outside.

"We have to go, they're in trouble!"


"Whoever took Aang and Toph left this," You explained as you handed them a letter and a knife.
"'If you want to see your daughter again, bring five hundred gold pieces to the arena.' It's signed Xin Fu and The Boulder," Katara read the paper as you growled at the thought.

'Stupid wannabe fighters,' You thought.
"I can't believe it... I have The Boulder's autograph!" You sighed at Sokka's antics, and followed Katara as she stood behind Toph's mom.

"Poor Toph, she must be so scared,"


"You think you're so tough? Why don't you come up here so I can snap that grin off your face?" You struggled a laugh as you heard Toph's voice.
"Toph!" Xin Fu and The Boulder turned to see you and the group standing there, while you were ready to crush their heads.
"Here's your money, now let them go," Sokka dropped the bag as you slid it towards them.

They lowered Toph down and she ran to you, making you place your hand on her head, but her father took her away and they started to walk off.
"What about Aang?" Katara demanded.
"I think the Fire Nation will pay a hefty price for the Avatar. Now, get out of my ring," Xin Fu glared, but you simply took a step forward.

"The only people paying a price will be you for kidnapping my friends," You hissed as Sokka and Katara got ready to fight, but then more Earthbender fighters appeared and you were outnumbered, but you didn't care a bit.
"Seven Earthbenders against one seems hardly fair, but I like the challenge," You grinned, setting Twig to get to safety.

"You two try and Tophy, I need an extra hand," You told Sokka and Katara, who nodded and ran to get your rock buddy.
"The Boulder will pummel you to the ground," The Boulder smashed his hands together as they got ready to fight. But right before you did anything, you heard Toph behind you.
"Let him go! I beat you all before and I'll do it again!" She yelled as you smiled.

"The Boulder takes issue with that comment," Then, they all charged, with Toph standing next to you and spat out some spit.

"Wait... they're ours,"

You beamed at that as the siblings watch in surprise.
"Just like old times, right Laffy Taffy?" You grinned with mischief as Toph snickered and raised her arms up.
"You said it Loud Mouth," You both quickly divided the fighters for you to fight on your own. You split off to see Fire Nation man, The Gecko, and The Gopher.

"You all may have fought fought these wannabes, but have you fought a criminal?" You grinned and took off your hood, lifting up some rocks and formed lava. The once three brave benders recoiled in fear as you had a now evil aura around you. Out of the corner of your eye, you see Toph kicking the Boulder, there Hippo, and Headhunter out of the ring, making you grin.

"Let's just finish this," You shrugged and sent the lava towards them, making them yell in fear and try to run. Laughing, you sent a hint pillar under them and they were thrown out of the ring with the lava surrounding them. You turn to see Toph and Xin Fu, facing each other for a stand off. Knowing it was just between them, you quickly hopped off the ring and ran to the Gaang, with Twig jumping on your shoulder.

"Woah, she's amazing," Katara mumbled in awe, making you smile at Toph finally defeating Xin Fu and throwing him out of the ring.

"I told you that many times,"


You sat with the Gaang as Toph stood in front of her parents.
"Dad, I know it's probably hard for you to see me this way. But the obedient little helpless blind girl that you think I am just isn't me," She explained, looking down at nothing.

"I love fighting. I love being an earthbender, and I'm really, really good at it. I know I've kept my life secret from you, but you were keeping me secret from the whole world," She smiled.
"You were doing it to protect me, but I'm twelve years old and I've have had one true friend, who I knew you would disapproved of," She motioned to you, making you slightly wave.

"So, now that you see who I really am, I hope it doesn't change the way you feel about me," Toph admitted. Her dad was silent before he spoke up.
"Of course it doesn't change the way I feel about you, Toph. It's made me realize something," He said.
"It has?" Toph said with hope in her voice.

"Yes. I've let you had far too much freedom,"


"From now on you'll be cared for and guarded twenty-four hours a day," Okay, now you wanted to crush this man's head.
"But dad!" Toph argued, but her mom cut her off.
"We're doing this for your own good, Toph," That's when you stood up and tried to March forward.

"What do you know about her own good? Just because you're her parents? You know nothing about her!!" You shouted as Katara and Aang tried to pull you back.
"You are nothing but a terrible influence, not only being a criminal, but poisoning our daughter worry these... bonding thoughts! Take the Avatar his hid friends out of here, they're no longer welcomed," Toph's dad ushered you all away.

"Don't you lay a single hand on her!! I promised I would show her the world! That we are rock buddies!!" You yelled, but stopped fighting and rubbed your arms.
"I'm sorry Tophy..." You muttered and walked with the Gaang, not wanting to cry, for Toph.

"I'm sorry too... goodbye (Y/N/N)"


You sat on Appa's back, staring into the village that gave you great memories because of one person, but now you won't see her ever again.
"Don't worry, we'll find you a teacher. There are plenty of amazing earthbenders out there," Katara tried to reassure you and Aang, but you just sighed.

"Like I'll ever find a better rock buddy," You muttered. But then, you heard something in the distance, and you saw from the hill... Toph!!
"Toph! What are you doing here?!" Aang asked as you looked in disbelief.
"My dad changed his mind. He said I was free to travel the world," She replied, but you knew that was far from the truth.

"Well, we'd better get out of here, before your dad changes his mind again," Sokka smiled as Toph held her hand out for you to grab, which you did and pulled her into the saddle.

"You're gonna get into trouble for this," You whispered to her.
"I know, let's just have fun while it'll lasts," She grinned ads she held out a fist.
"Rock buddies together?" You smiled and fist bumped her with Twig cooing happily.

"Best rock buddies forever,"

Eeeeeyyyyyyyyy to two partners in crime are back together again!! Now more mischief in the future!!

Eeeeeyyyyyyyyy to two partners in crime are back together again!! Now more mischief in the future!!

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