Eyes on You

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(A/N: I do not own nor claim to own any characters listed in my story! All belong to the Attack on Titan team/publishers/owners! Enjoy!)

Erwin finished his speech, his voice booming across the stage and grounds where you all stood. Your hand crossed over your chest, your fist laying on your pounding heart. You look around, seeing your closest friends: Armin, Eren, and Mikasa. It was finally here. "We made it." You whispered proudly to yourself. Never in your life did you think you would all make it to being cadets for the Survey Corps.

Standing next to Commander Erwin were captains Levi and Hange Zoe. Hange looked prouder than ever, likely glad to see new faces after losing so many familiar ones. Levi stood unwavering, his cold eyes flashing a glint of proudness as well.

~A few nights later~

Training had already begun, and you were one of the strongest on the sparring field today. Some lower captains stood by, observing and giving tips. "Watch this!" Eren yelled towards you as he threw a punch at Jean, a fellow cadet you befriended. His yell caught the eyes of Hange, Armin, and Mikasa. You all watched as Jean completely bodied him. You all burst out laughing at Eren's failure. Armin dropped his fighting stance and clutched his stomach as a laugh spilled from his lips.

Erwin walked over to Eren, pulling him up. By now, all eyes were on him, except one pair. Levi. His slate-gray eyes pierced through you. You felt that you were being watched, and turned towards his direction. "Is he... looking at me?" You thought to yourself. "Of course dumbass, youre the only one looking his way!" Another thought interrupted. You quickly turned your gaze back to your hurt friend with a slight blush on your cheeks.

~Levi's POV~

As a captain, I should always keep my eyes out for exceptional talent and strength. Cadet l/n proved this earlier, by outsmarting all of her opponents during sparring and defense training. I take my small paper pad out of my pocket and make a note to observe this cadet, no strength should go unnoticed. I put the paper and pen back, turning to look at the dumbass who got overzealous and tried to show off. "Idiot." I grumble to myself and look away. My eyes wander over to Cadet l/n standing on the field. I don't even notice how deep I was staring until her eyes flick over to catch mine.

Hange startles me out of my gaze with a harsh smack on my shoulder. "Ah... I see you've already set your eyes on a girl now, hm Levi?" She taunts and giggles, pushing her glasses up to get a good look at y/n. "Well shit, I can't blame you cap'n. She's a looker." She smirks and lays her head on my tense shoulder. "Think what you wanna think, four eyes." I grumble and walk back into the headquarters.

~Your POV~

By the time you look back to the door where Levi once stood, he was gone, and Hange was left, smiling devilishly at you. Who knows what she could be thinking of.

"ALRIGHT CADETS, TRAINING IS OVER FOR THE DAY, HEAD INSIDE!" Erwin yells out and walks in with Hange. You catch up to your three best friends as the rest start to mingle and head in as well. "Eren, what the fuck was that?" Mikasa glares at her basically brother. Armin stifles a giggle as Eren bores holes through Mikasa with his eyes. "She's right dude, that was so stupid of you! You're gonna be sore for days!" You laugh and drag him inside by the wrist, the other two following behind closely.

~In the Mess Hall~

Already, you found a full table with all your friends. Connie, Sasha, Eren, Mikasa, Jean, and Armin filled the wooden seats, and you sat next to a very reluctant Jean. "He's gonna get his face kicked in next time he tries to beat me!" Jean said loudly with pride, followed by chuckles from your table members, except for a defeated Eren. You prop your arm onto horse-face's shoulder and look down at your plate. "Sorry about all that earlier, he can get a bit too proud in himself." You say as you start to eat quickly, you were starving. "No worries, he will just have to watch out for me next time." He teases and ruffles your hair.

Sasha nudges you with her foot from across the table. "What?" You look up to meet her eyes. She starts to speak, but her mouth is too full to understand a word. "Swallow your food before you talk, hungry girl." You smile and wait for her. She gulps down her food and whispers, "Captain Levi is looking at you." She smirks and joins the other's conversation. You wait a moment then look to the Captain's table, meeting eyes with the black haired man once again. This time, you can see something flaring up in his eyes, his brows furrowed in what seems like... jealousy? You then realize your arm is still on Jean, as his hand rests on the top of your head.

Levi walks over to your table and you quickly look to your food and take your arm off Jean. "Y/n, come to my office after dinner. We need to talk." He states plainly and leaves the mess hall. "Oh god..." you mumble to yourself and take a drink from the cup before you. "What's wrong, macho man?" Jean says, knowing you hate the nickname. "Gotta go see Captain Levi." You pout and look to him. "Privately? Damn I saw him looking at you too. Use protection." He says and winks. You shove him to get him off your ass, and you get up to put up your plate. You successfully hid the blush creeping onto your cheeks until you got away, thanking yourself.

You head down the quiet hallway to Levi's office, taking in a deep breath before knocking. "Name and business?" He says in his usual, annoyed tone. "Cadet l/n sir! You asked for me to report here." You say and straighten your back. "Come in." He says as you open the door.

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