"You'll carry her going down the stairs" Law said when he changed his shirt into a more business man style shirt.

"Fine with me" Kid said also changing his shirt into a blank tank top before putting his fur coat on his shoulders.

"We'll wait outside once your done getting dressed" Law said as a maid came into the room to help me.

I smiled as I nodded my head as they both went out to wait outside the room, the maid help me brush my [H/C] hair; before helping me stand removing my shirt and shorts gently so I wouldn't tip over I was dressed into a lovely tank top that was blue and a knee length skirt that was white and putting on some house slippers.

"Anything else miss?" she asked once she looked up at me.

"No that should be good" I said with a warm smile.

she nods her head before turning around and opening the door letting Kid and Law back into the room; I walked over to them with a few limp steps here and there but I got over to them just fine.

"How's the pain?" Law asked once I reached them.

"A bit tingly but other than that fine" I said as I waved my hand back and forth a bit.

"Alright, that's normal" Law said which was calming to hear that feeling like that was normal.

Kid picked me up bridal style which made me yelp in surprise which made him chuckle with Law as we exited out of the bedroom with me to go see the elders; the feeling in the house was now serious and that worried me when the servants just cleaned the house like normal and I couldn't hear Luffy or his brother's anywhere in the house; my heart was pounding a little bit once we went down the stairs.

Seeing Ace and the others there waiting for us made me feel like I should be worried seeing their once smiling faces turn to serious made me worry.

"They're waiting inside" Marco said to us as he pointed to the big wooden doors to our right.

"Alright" Law said to him taking a few steps to the doors that felt really huge.

Seeing them both open up slowly I felt fear like a lot of fear; not for me or the boys but the fear of knowing what was going to happen to us now. The door closed behind us which made me jump a small bit, but feeling Kid slightly tighten his grip on me made me feel better; a long table stood in front of us that held all five of the elders. Pops sat at the front of the other's who held serious looks, Kid placed me down on a chair that was placed for me to sit; Law stood on my left and Kid to my right both of them with serious looks on their faces as they looked at all the elders.

"Are you three ready to hear our answer?" an elder spoke at us once his eye's looked at us.

"Yes" Kid answered in a blink of an eye not even flinching at all the elders who stared at us.

"Bring in the criminal" another elder spoke to the two butlers who stood by two other doors behind the that was to my left.

They bowed before they turned around, opening the door letting the sounds of chains come to my ears; looking to my left my [E/C] eyes widened a small bit seeing Ameria being brought into the room with her wrists, ankles and neck covered in chains not to mention a muzzle around her mouth as well.

I didn't feel sorry for her not one bit, it just shocked me that they treated someone like a real dog once you did a crime against any of the clans within this world of their. The guards behind her pushed her to her knees with force which made he stumble to her knees catching herself with her chained hands which she used to push herself up to sit on her knees letting her green eyes lock with my [E/C] eyes, I didn't flinch I wasn't going to let her have any sort of power that she could frighten me. I held my head high as I glanced back at the elders once more.

"Now let the judgment begin" Pops voice spoke out letting it almost echo through the dim lit room that we all were in right now.


Alpha Law x Alpha Kid x Reader (Stranger's Like Me)Where stories live. Discover now