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I didn't understand. I couldn't even force myself to begin to either. It made absolutely no sense. I couldn't help but bring myself back to the night we returned to school. That was when her behavior was more erratic than before.

I thought she loved me.

It doesn't matter I suppose. Without her occupying both my time and mind, it gives me time to complete the task the Dark Lord. The only problem I now have is that he sent me help.  I guess I was taking too long.

I forced myself out of bed to get started with the day when Perkins was pecking at the window. I opened it to allow the blackbird inside. He had a letter addressed to me from my mother. I had owl'd her with questions about Laurel as well, seeing that she was around during the time Laurel went home, she's sure to know something. I pet the top of his head and allowed him to fly off before tearing the letter open.


I wish I could enlighten you on the current
events that are taking place in our world,
but I can't. I've been sworn to secrecy.

Do trust that Laurel knows what she's doing
as I'm sure she has a very good reason for
ending your relationship. Please don't be
angry with her, I know you're hurting.

I'm sorry this isn't what you were wanting to hear,
but it's all I can share.

The ministry is intercepting more owls each day
under the Dark Lords order and it was a
great risk to send this. Please do not use
Perkins, but use the tan screech owl from
now on. Please pass this information along
to Theo and Laurel.

Destroy this letter.

With love, your mother,
Narcissa Malfoy

I crumpled up the letter and grabbed my wand, igniting the parchment into flames. As I sat there and watched it burn, Theo walked in as chipper as they come.

"You ready, mate?" He inquired.

"Give me a minute," I replied plainly before getting dressed and following him towards the seventh floor.

"I'm sure you're aware of what our job is, correct?" I asked my friend.

"The contents of the task weren't entirely clear. He just said that you'd fill me in on the remainder of the details. From my understanding, we're mending a tarnished piece of furniture."

I nodded and opened to reply when we were interrupted by an unlikely figure. "Malfoy. Nott." The voice of Grant Oliver chimed in.

"What?" Theo spat at the dark haired boy. It took a moment to register, but then it clicked. It was bad enough I already felt defeated when I found out that the Dark Lord asked Theo to help me, but having this fool join in made me feel like absolute shit.

I really am a failure. 

"He's here for us." I sighed defeated. Theo turned to me perplexed. "He's one of us."

Theo looked over to the boy and gave him a displeased scowl. It was bad enough I had to spend the remainder of the term with Theodore Nott, brother to the girl I love, but now I get the pleasure of spending it with her ex. Wonderful.

"So, boys. What are we doing?" The greasy haired prat inquired from the pair of us.

"We're mending furniture." Theo flatly responded. He nodded and followed us into the Room of Requirement.

"What kind of room is this?" Oliver questioned. I often forget that he isn't from here, then again, I don't do much time allowing Grant Oliver to occupy my thoughts. That space is reserved for Laurel and the countless dirty things I want to do to her.

"Do you ever shut up?" Theo seethed at the boy.

"Theodore," I warned. This isn't like him. The mark is having a much worse effect on him than I could imagine. I'd like to think that mine would too have a horrible effect, but it doesn't. I'm as calm as they come.

I walked around the room leading the two to the cabinet I had started on months ago. I ripped the tapestry off. "Here," I said. "Here it is."

Theo and Oliver joined my side took in the tall, black cabinet that stood before us.

"It's a bloody cabinet," Theo stated.

"Obviously," Oliver replied in a dull tone.

"It's a vanishing cabinet. It has another at Borgin and Burkes. It's our job to mend it." I explained.

"Sounds easy enough," Oliver responded confidently and stepped in front of me and pointed his wand at the cabinet, and clearly spoke an incantation. "Reparo."

"How do we know if it worked?" Theo asked curiously. I shrugged, and looked around, locking eyes with a birdcage. The number of random items that were scattered throughout this room was unbelievable. I walked over to the cage and grabbed one of the birds out and placed it into the cabinet. I closed the door and waited.

After a minute passed, I opened it to see the bird was dead. I sighed in defeat.

"Way to go, genius." Theo spat at Oliver.

"I didn't see you coming up with any other idea, genius." He retorted.

"Will you two shut it! We haven't much time to fix this thing, and if you two keep bickering at one another, then it'll never get done, and he'll kill us all." I seethed. Idiots.

"I'll stop if he stops." Oliver scoffed.

I threw my hands up in defeat. "Leave. The pair of you. Go to the library and search every book you can about the information on vanishing cabinets. We haven't much time." I ordered. They each nodded their heads and fled, leaving me in here to wallow in my thoughts.

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