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It was time to say our goodbyes until June when we would return home until September. It was a very short break, and I was mildly disappointed that I didn't receive any of the answers that I was seeking about my birth mother, or my father.

It was strange, I lived in the house with him for a full week, not once recieving the chance to speak to him. He was never present during dinners, or anything. I desperately wanted to talk to him, to hear his voice, but he was never in sight.

Theo on the other hand had the luxury of spending quality time with him throughout the week. I was pressured to ask Theo about him and what they talked about but there was something in the back of my head that told me not to. That my time to talk to him would come when the time is right.

Theo, Daphne and I arrived at Kings Cross and stepped onto the platform just before boarding the train. I spotted Ginny, her brothers and Harry on the platform and waved briefly before Theo urged me into the Slytherin claimed car.

"Leave it to my sister to befriend Potter and the Weasels." Theo groaned. "Haven't I told warned you about their kind?"

"You mean nice? Welcoming?" I scoffed. "They were there for me on my first day. You kept me a secret for months, you ass."

Daphne giggled and Theo kept quiet until we reached an empty booth. We'd just sat down when I spotted Miles Bletchley walking towards us.

"Oh my god. Hide me." I said as I rapidly slid underneath the table, though I didn't make it far. "Give me your bag." I pleaded with Daphne. She was hesitant at first, but tossed her nine hundred dollar Ralph Lauren purse into the empty seat.

There was no way I handle another ten hour ride with him. I couldn't listen to him brag about his quidditch accomplishments, and money. I know Theo wouldn't hesitate to swoop Daphne away for the duration. Especially since I know about the history between the three.

He smiled and waved and was about to sit when he noticed the bag. He frowned.

"Someone sitting here?" He asked. Theo smirked opened his mouth to respond when someone beat him to it.

"Yes." Miles turned around and looked surprised to see Draco standing there gesturing for him to move.

"Oh, sorry mate. I figured you'd want to sit with your future wife, Pansy." Miles offered a mischievous smirk to him.

"Oh you didn't hear. That arrangement has been executed. You can go sit by her though if you'd like. She's fair game now." He said removing the bag from the seat before taking his place next to me. "She gives terrible head by the way."

"Alright, I can take a hint." Miles said before walking off.

"I can't think of any way to thank you for that." I said in a sigh of relief. Miles seemed like a good guy, but then again he's best friends with Warrington and Pucey.

"I could think of a few." A smirk crossed his pale face.

I felt the heat quickly rise to my face. I knew exactly what he meant, but Theo was sitting across from us. I averted my eyes to him who was looking between Draco and me visibly confused. He knew something was up.

"Why are you sitting here, Malfoy?" He asked his blonde friend.

"It looked like none of you wanted Bletchley to join you, so I thought I'd come to the rescue."

Theo chuckled. I'm glad the two of them are friends. I don't know how things would be if they absolutely despised one another. "And what makes you think we want you here instead?"

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