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When I woke up the following morning, my head was instantly pounding. I opened my eyes and looked around to see I was in my room.

It was just a dream.

I mean, I can't say that I'm surprised that I dreamt that I told Draco I loved him, I was just confused because I wasn't sure if I actually felt that way. Perhaps my subconscious was telling me I did, but I'm too stubborn to admit it.

There was a knock at the door which instantly made me groan. "Come in." I croaked, my voice nearly gone from all of the drinking and smoking I did last night. My throat was sore. Theo walked in with a smirk upon his smug face.

"Have a bit too much did we?" He teased.

"Bite me," I grumbled as I pulled my cableknit blanket back over my face to shield my eyes from the bright sun.

"Come on. Breakfast time."

"I don't want to go."

"Well I do. Tommy and Cynthia are waiting for us."


Why couldn't I have dreamt about him? I mean, he is my boyfriend. He makes me happy. He treats me as I should be treated. What more could I want? He is the ideal boyfriend. "Alright, you go ahead. I'll get dressed and meet you there." I said. He nodded and closed the door allowing me to change.

After so, I dragged my tired feet through the halls until I reach the Great Hall. No way would two Ravenclaw students be allowed to sit at the Slytherin table, so Theo and I joined them at theirs. Sure, we received numerous looks from everyone for being the only two Slytherins to ever sit outside of their table, but we didn't care.

It was especially awkward when Cho Chang and I made eye contact. I still hated her for what she caused last year. As it turns out, she hates me just as much but not because of my family, but because she's had a crush on Tommy since her first year.

"How are you feeling this morning?" Tommy inquired once I take my seat next to him, gracing me with a kiss on my cheek.

"Been better. I was a bit surprised when I woke up though." I say.

"Why is that?" Tommy asked. I sank my teeth into my bottom lip nervously. I didn't know how to respond.

So I lied.

"I just don't remember much. I thought I fell asleep in the common room." I shrugged.

"You fell asleep in my room, Lo. I carried you back to yours late last night after I sobered up some." Theo revealed. "I was sloshed."

Wait, what?

I look at him with my head cocked to the side, hoping to get more details out of the scenario he just revealed.

Maybe it wasn't a dream.

"Yeah, you passed out in Mal—I mean my bed. I had to find Malfoy so he could brew a potion that would sober me up so I could take you back. He and I both agreed it would have been awkward if he took you back." I immediately shot a glare in Theo's direction. Does he not realize that we are with my boyfriend, not at the Slytherin table with our friends?

"Why were you in their room? I specifically remember walking you to your room, and putting you to bed. I know I wasn't that drunk." Tommy asks.

"I um, I—"

"Malfoy said she was there when he returned from the loo." Theo then turned to me. "Said you mumbled in your sleep something about wanting to spend your birthday with your twin brother." Theo lied.

"Oh, well thank you. I don't remember spending any time with you at our party." I inform him, not that I remember much of anything. "Where were you all night? I think I saw you for a second."

"With me." Cynthia, Tommy's sister answered. "I apologize for that, Laurel. Hope you can forgive me?"

"Of course." I smiled. "I'm just glad to see my brother happy."

I think I need to know what really happened last night.


"Where's Nott?" Blaise asked as he sat down at the table for breakfast. I nodded into the direction of the Ravenclaw table where both Nott siblings were sitting with their new lovers. "Ah," says Blaise. "So, care to tell me why I saw Laurel making a slightly dramatic entrance to your room last night?" He smirked. Of course someone saw, I'm just glad it was Blaise and no one else.

"She came to my room seeking her brother, then simply passed out on my bed." I lied. I hated lying to my friends, but they didn't need to know the real reason she came by.

"Oh. I figured she came by to get some birthday dick." He laughed. I glared at him.

"Fuck off will you?"

"Oh, Malfoy I'm only joking. Sort of." He shrugged.

"I'm finding it hard to be with him when every day I fall more in love with you"

Her words have been set to replay on my mind ever since they escaped her velvety red lips. She was drunk, she didn't mean it. She didn't know what she was saying. It isn't like it matters, she's with Rosenburg. She's probably forgotten all about it anyways. I'm not sure which sucks more.


Tommy and I left Theo and Cynthia since Tommy had practice today and wanted me there. As we were walking out of the Great Hall, my eyes locked with Draco's. It wasn't until I felt Tommy snake his arm around my waist that I broke the eye contact and snap into reality.

I'm with Tommy, and I'm happy... with Tommy.


We reached the outside when the cold air pierced my skin causing me to shiver. "Here, wear this," Tommy said taking his coat off and placed it over my shoulders. I wasn't prepared to watch him practice today at all. I blame it on the hangover. "Can I ask you something?"

"You just did." I teased.

"Funny, but not what I meant."

I nodded for him to continue. A million thoughts run through my mind as to what it could be about, but all of which were related. It's about Draco. I just have a feeling.

"Are you over him? Malfoy."

"I mean, yes," I said. I don't know who I'm trying to convince anymore. "but you need to understand that you and I started seeing each other right after—"

"I know." He cut me off. "I just need to know that you're all mine. That I've got nothing to worry about."

The events that occurred in Draco's room are on his mind. He doesn't know what to think, and I don't blame him. Thankfully, he hasn't jumped to conclusions and assumed something happened. "Tommy, I'm with you. You're the only one entertaining me, keeping a smile on my face everyday, not Malfoy. If this is about me sleeping in his room last night, that was nothing. I wouldn't willingly go to his room to see him. I was looking for Theo. I promise."

He smiles and places his soft lips on mine. "I think I might be falling in love with you, Laurel Nott."

I smiled back, wishing I could say the same thing, but I just don't feel the same way.

And I don't think I want to.

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