Hogwarts Express.

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I've only read about Diagon Alley, seeing as I've never been. We didn't spent too much time there, since Theo and I needed to be on the Hogwarts Express before eleven. I already had all of my essentials aside from my uniform, and my books for the year. The bookstore owner even gave us a discount on the books since I was starting middle of the year, not that Nana cared. The woman was loaded with money. Wizard, and no-maj kind.

Nana apparated both Theo and me to Kings Cross Station, and I instantly felt the nerves growing. What if I find it impossible to make any friends here? What if everyone makes fun of me? Theo didn't seem the type to defend me wouldn't defend me having not knowing me all that well.

Actually, he doesn't seem like he'd do that even if he did know me. The remainder of the night last night Nana made us get more acquainted. And by that I mean she made him give me the rundown of Hogwarts.

He did as she requested in a sense of telling me to stay out of his way. I'll have to admit that my brother is kind of a jerk.

"Alright, dear. Let's go." Nana said. "Theo, go along and show Laurel how to get onto the platform." She ordered. He gave her a curt nod, and took his belongings, and walked straight through a wall, a fucking wall. I thought my eyes were deceiving me. How did no one see him just disappear like that? This place was full of no-maj's.

How did no one see?

I snapped my eyes to Nana. She knew exactly what I was thinking, and started laughing. "Muggles never notice." She said softly. Muggles? What are muggles?

She took my hand and guided me through the wall which I magically walked through. On the opposite side I was greeted with a scarlet red train engine. I scanned the platform, there were hardly any people around, thoigh I'm sure that would change within the hour.

I wish Rachel and Clayton were here to see this. Ilvermorny didn't have anything remotely this cool.

Shortly before I left for England, Rachel and I discussed pitching the idea for her transfer to Hogwarts to join me. Unfortunately, we found out that they only accept students that were born in the UK, which lead me to believe that I was likely born here.

"Alright, Theo. You know what to do now. Make sure to protect your Laurel—"

"I told you I'm not babysitting." He spat.

"I didn't ask you to." She said firmly.  "Laurel is not a baby, Theodore. She's a young lady, your sister. You'd think that you'd want to protect her from bullies, and boys."

Theo scoffed at her remark, rolling his eyes. "It's okay, Nana. I wouldn't want to do anything that might damage the legacy he's building." I teased. Nana laughed, Theo however didn't find it funny.

"Whatever, can I go now?" Theo groaned, eager to get out of my presence. Nana nodded, but not before handing him what looked like a few dragots, and promised to send him more later on. He looked up to me, scowling. "Try not to need anything." He took the money and left.

"I do apologize for him, dear. He's been dealing with some petty drama." She rolled her eyes.

"Don't apologize on his behalf. He'll learn to accecpt me eventually." I assured her with a weak smile. I didn't want her to worry about me. I could tell she genuinely did care about me.

"You'll be alright then, dear?" She asked, receiving an assuring nod from me. She pulled me into one last hug before giving me a small bag. "This is for in case you should need or want to purchase anything." She said. I opened it to see a bunch of coins, but they weren't dragots or sprinks.

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