Protective Brother.

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Daphne Greengrass. How many ways can I begin to describe her? Beautiful. Intelligent. Forgiving. Three things in which I do not deserve, which is why I consistently push her away whenever she hints at us getting back together.

Young and dumb is a better way to describe it.

I was sitting in the common room waiting for my friends when Daphne approached me alone. I raised a brow in curiosity at the blonde. I could only imagine what she wanted.

"Hi." She said taking the unoccupied seat on the sofa next to me. I gave her a faint nod.

"Sup?" I've been spending far too much time around Lo. What kind of word is sup?

It's not that I want to be a prat, she doesn't deserve it, but maybe she'll get the hint. Maybe I should just pull up my sleeve and show her my arm, that should do the trick. I know how the Greengrass' feel about the Dark Lord and Death Eaters. Her father would forbid her from seeing me in a heartbeat. "

How was your break?" She asked. She was trying to make small talk but I wasn't in the mood for it. It'll just make us revert back to our own ways. I'm sticking with what Laurel said: Daphne and I are horrible for each other.

"Daph, we don't need to do this—"

"Do what? I'm just asking a question, Theo. Making conversation."

"Well don't." I spat. "When will you get it? I don't want to be with you." I continued trying my hardest to hurt her. Her face began to blush in embarrassment, eyes starting to swell. I hated this.

"You're such an arse, Theodore Nott. If you'd let me continue speaking for once then you would know that I wanted to tell you I've been seeing someone else."

A knife to the heart. I wanted her to move on from me, I did. It was for the best, it was to protect her, but at the same time, I wanted her to beg. I didn't want her to move on. She took a deep sigh before looking away from me.

"What's your point? Am I supposed to care?" I scoffed. "You'll probably just cheat on him the way you did me when we first got together."

"Theo, I know you better than anyone aside from Blaise and Draco, and this...isn't you. If you ever need to talk—"

This is what I meant by forgiving. I just said some of the most hateful things I've ever said to her, and she's still trying to be my friend.

"I don't want to talk to you. Get it through your thick ass skull." I seethed and stormed off out of the common room.


I entered Potions alone since Draco and Blaise were taking too long and took over an empty table, and began copying what Slughorn had written on the board.

Shortly after, Draco and Blaise entered, followed by Pansy and Daphne. I couldn't take my eyes off of Daphne. I wanted to walk up and apologize to her, but I couldn't do it.

"Class take your seats, hurry on now." Slughorns voice beamed. Pansy and Daphne sat together, while Draco and Blaise went their separate ways, Blaise going to sit with some Ravenclaw chick he's been shagging, and Draco taking up an empty spot, probably to reserve it for Laurel.

Unfortunately, Laurel has since gone home for the remainder of the week. It was probably one of the best ideas Dumbledore has had in a long time.

I worry about my sister. I wanted to give them some privacy the first night back, so I slept in Blaise's room. Draco said she had been acting weird since we returned to school. Draco said she tried to curse him in her sleep the other night. This behavior isn't like her. I often found myself wondering if she maybe had the mark too, but I knew she didn't. Her actions are strictly based on her mental stability.

Tommy fucked her up, and I'm a shit brother for letting him get away with it.

I turned my head down for a second, just one second only to look up to see some new girl all over Draco. I was livid. Not so much because she was touching him like she was, but because wasn't fighting her off.

After all of these months he spent moping around because she was with Rosenburg, and finally getting her back, he's going to ruin it with some new girl? "Oi! Malfoy!" I shouted after I threw a crumpled piece of parchment at him.

"What?" He spat.

"Who's your friend?" He rolled his eyes and shook his head. Maybe I was just in over my head, and overthinking the situation. Draco wouldn't do that to my sister, but then again who knows Draco Malfoy better than me? We've been best mates since we were kids. He's always been popular with the ladies, unable to say no to them at most times. "What would your girlfriend think if she saw what I see?"

"Nothing, because there's nothing to see."

Yeah, we will see about that.

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