Spin The Bottle.

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A few days had gone by, and it was finally the weekend again. I was still upset with Draco and his not subtle invasion of privacy in my personal life. I mean, really, who the hell picks up a letter they find on the floor, reads it, then keeps it?

I couldn't help but wonder if the blonde boy was planning on blackmailing me with the facts he discovered, but seeing as he never asked for anything in return, I figured that maybe that just wasn't the case. He was just curious, I suppose. The question that still lingers on my mind is why? Why is he showing these random interests in my personal life?

It was Friday afternoon, and I had no afternoon classes this week thankfully, so I decided to spend my free time in the library to study when I was approached by Ginny and a raven-haired boy with round glasses. I had seen the boy around the school many times before, but I never cared to know his name, I just knew he was pretty popular amongst the Gryffindorks.

"Laurel," Ginny spoke in a friendly voice. "This is my brother Ron's best friend. We wanted to talk to you about er, something." She said. I nodded. Now that he was standing in front of me, I realized that the boy was actually quite cute, I mean sure he'd probably look better if he brushed his hair, but he was attractive.

"Does Ron's best friend have a name?" I giggled.

He smiled at my lame attempt to flirt before responding.

"Oh sorry," He said nervously. "I'm Harry. Harry Potter."

My eyes widened at the name. I had heard of the famous Harry Potter, the boy who lived, but I had no idea he went to school here, or that I was actually speaking face to face with him currently.

Rachel and Clayton would freak out if they knew I was breathing the same air as him. Rachel had no idea who he looked like, but she had a huge crush on him, and what she imagined he looked like, and Clayton idolized him, though I think he really just admired that he was famous for surviving a killing curse cast by that wackjob.

How did I go three months without knowing that I went to school with a celebrity? I guess I've just been too wrapped up in my own personal issues, and hiding from every student that walked the halls to get sucked into anything other than Slytherin drama.

"It's nice to meet you, Harry," I said politely, as if his name didn't even phase me. "What can I do for you?" I asked.

"Well, Ginny told me about how you kind of stood up to Umbridge on you first day here, and there's a rumor that you were on your old schools dueling club is that correct?" He asked. I nodded.

"I did, and I was. I was pretty disappointed that you guys didn't have a dueling club of any sort here, but once I met her, it all made sense."

Harry laughed.

"We had a very short-lived dueling club three years ago. It didn't age very well." He said.

"Yeah, probably because the teacher we had oblivated himself," Ginny reminded him.

"Wait, Gilderoy Lockhart taught here?"

"Ugh," Harry groaned. "Don't tell me you fancied him too."

I shook my head eagerly and laughed. "Oh no. I'm just glad that I didn't study here during his era."

"Anyways, Laurel. We," He paused and looked around making sure no one was nearby to hear what he had to say. "Some select students and I have organized our own class where we practice defending ourselves, and I was wondering if you'd be interested in coming to one of them to give us a lesson or something." He suggested.

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