Chapter 38.

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The cricket sound breaks the silence of the night, guards and sentinels footsteps were heard from afar. The beautiful horizon above the dark sky is a sight to see. Even the sound of the shower is quite comforting in Gulf's confused mind.

The part that he is catching signs that Mew knew something or hiding something from him, feeds his doubtful heart. He doesn't know anymore who to trust.

His deep thoughts were distracted when sturdy arms coiled around his waist. A warm breath fans the back of his neck, and a light kiss comes from Mew's lips. He closed his eyes when he felt a sudden shock of electricity travel down his spine.

"What are you doing here? It's quite chilly! " Mew said as he continue to peppered kisses on Gulf's nape.

Gulf turned around to meet Mew's eyes, he not fully in the right state yet but Mew already claimed his lips like a hungry lion. Nibbling each other's lips, the slurping sound added to the melodious tune formed by the wind and insects.

As they let go of each other's lips, the panting sound followed. A smile formed on Mew's lips as he pull Gulf closer more. The cool breeze fans their faces as their small hair strand dancing to it.

"Don't do that again, your pack member might see us making out here! " Gulf said smiling.

"You know that even they saw us, they will not care. I am the alpha of this pack! They are afraid of me. " Mew replied as he lean to kiss Gulf again.

"I know but fear and respect is a two different thing. They will fear you if you're around but they will badmouth you once you're gone. " Gulf stated while looking up to the sky.

Mew was taken aback by Gulf's word, his mate never speak like that before. Indeed Gulf grew matured as days passed by but he failed to notice it. The way Gulf became silent after a long conversation is a sign that his mate prefers to think alone than sharing plans and decisions.

"Are you still thinking about Andrew's words earlier? " Mew asked as he reach Gulf's hand and lock it on his palm.

"Not really, I accepted it that my parents will never come back even if I succeed in my revenge. But I will be at ease that I'll be able to give them justice. " Gulf said staring at the eyes of his mate.

A glint of uneasiness flashed on his mate's eyes, Gulf can't take away his eyes on Mew as he watch those orbs flash some emotion that he don't want to see.

Mew keeps staring at him like it wanted to say something, Mew's stare is weighing each emotion. It has something in there that he wanted to let out, but Gulf is confused on why he can't say it.

"Mew? Are you okay? You look appalled! " Gulf directly said in a serious tone without batting his eyelids.

"Huh? Ah, nothing. It's just your words these days are quite intriguing and full of euphemism. " Mew explained.

"Are you hiding something from me, Mew? " Gulf asked as he keep looking into the eyes of his mate.

Mew instantly meets Gulf's eyes.

"What are you saying? Of course not! I'm not hiding anything baby, don't overthink please! " Mew said pulling his mate to his embrace.

"I'm sorry, I will tell you everything when I have enough evidence. " Mew said internally.

Gulf felt the pounding heart of his mate, like a drum in roll in a parade, like a rumble of thunder after the lightning.

"You are keeping secrets and I will make sure to know it all! " Gulf said to himself flashing his eyes of emerald green.

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