Chapter 4.

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A/N: sorry for a very slow update, enjoy reading!


Mew Alaric de la Merced is a wolf king of all wolf kind and Alpha of the Blazing Moon pack. He became a wolf king at the age of 18, his father let him take over the position and all the elders agreed for Mew have been very deserving of the title.

CEO of the biggest company in the world, the Waya's Industrial Company, owner of many schools and universities, everyone wants to be on his side.

3 years ago, after he was proclaimed as a new wolf king. His first mission was to let the vampire leaders accept the mating between wolves and vampires.

The conflict between vampire and wolf was patch up because of Mew, he was brave to meet the leader of the Gothic Guild of vampires and state his concern about the wellness of both kinds. He stated facts, ideas, and suggestions with all sincerity and honesty.

In the end, he succeeds to sign an agreement that mating between vampires and wolves is allowed but they can't have a baby for it will cause havoc to both kinds. Though it sounds absurd for all the wolves, Mew is confident that slowly and at the right time he can change that rule.

At the age of 20 Mew has accomplished great achievements between enemies that the previous king failed to do. Mew succeed to sign an agreement that vampires and wolves can go to the same school together, and punishment will be given to those who start conflict within school premises. And it is so surprising that both kinds got along just fine.

Though there are some arrogant, selfish, and stubborn vampires and wolves, they are under control by school laws and regulations. And for that reason, Mew gained a lot of trust and respect from all kinds. Making him the target of jealousy and betrayal.


Mew Alaric de la Merced, a serious and cold-hearted wolf king. At the age of 20, he won many kinds of wars and conflicts but failed to find his mate. He never met once though he travels a lot, he never finds his mate in any places.

Coming from another negotiation from another country, but then he failed to find his mate there. His frustration of not finding his mate made him a coldhearted and strict person, he thought that the moon goddess denied him a mate that he deserved. His aura is scary and he is feared by every member of his pack.

The Blazing Moon pack is located in Atlas mountain. Half of the area of the mountain was owned by royalty. Although everyone loved to live and stay inside the palace and enjoy the grandeur of every corner. Mew however loved to stay on the packed ground. He can let his wolf run whenever he wants.

He mind link his friends that he will be staying in the pack for a week. So everyone prepared everything for the comfort of their king. Luke and Bright, are half-blooded alpha their mother is an omega. They have been friends with Mew since childhood together with 5 other friends.

Arriving on the packed ground Mew was greeted by everyone, bowing to him showing their respect to their king. Mew walks past them and settles inside his own house. Sitting on a long beautiful sofa and release a sharp sigh, closing his eyes, resting his body on that soft chair.

"You looked fuck up Mew! " Luke exclaimed while grinning, their other friends laugh.

"I bet he didn't find his mate to wherever he came from! " Bright added to the tease.

The laughter echoed inside the house but faded immediately when they heard a low growl from their Alpha.

"Okay! Get some rest, I will tell the chef to prepare your food. Let's have a run after! " Luke said putting his hand on the air to calm his friend.

"The Lone Assassin" (Completed)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora