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Another 3 days passed

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Another 3 days passed. Time to end their trip was nearing. Today they decided to stay in one place and just relax. That's how they ended up in a beautiful campsite that overlooks the city.

Everyone was doing their own things.

Jungkook was talking to Taehyung about yet another one of his favorite books. Taehyung never gets tired of listening to it. Jungkook talked about books with so much passion that Tae wanted to be nothing but the characters the younger insanely fell in love with.

Jimin, Yoongi and Hoseok were playing video games on their phones, occasionally cursing and kicking each other.

Namjoon and Jin were walking around, admiring the beautiful view.

"What will you do after you go back home?" Namjoon asked. They can't keep ignoring this conversation.

"I have no other choice than to drop out...I guess I have to come up with a way where I will also be benefited"

"What do you mean?"

"The other day I had a conversation with Hobi. He also gave up on his dreams, but at least he does something he likes. Working at a dance studio might not be how he envisioned his life to be, but he likes to dance. He told me that he feels truly free whenever he dances and that is the only thing that keeps him going. So I guess even though if I have to drop out of college I would have to find something to keep me going" Jin smiled softly.

Namjoon cleared his throat, "I know I'm not being practical here, but have you considered running away from home?"

Jin chuckled, "I have, numerous times but where would I go? I have no money or savings, I need to earn money of my own for that...when I do that watch me buying a flight ticket and never returning"

Namjoon grinned. He always loved how Jin found a way to make a situation better, "Well if you leave don't forget me, I will be sad"

Jin looked at Namjoon, "I will never forget you joonie"

Namjoon had nothing but fondness in his eyes everytime he looked at Jin and now that fondness was overflowing.

Jin broke the eye contact, "stop"

"What? I didn't do anything"

"I see the way you look at me's always so--it's always so loving...don't do that" Jin looked at the ground.

"Why can't I look at you like that?"

"Cause I can't return the feelings..."

"Bullshit! I see the way you look at me too Jin" Namjoon protested.

"Whatever happened on this trip won't matter when we go back! You know my parents..they--" Jin screwed his eyes shut.

"I know Jin, look at me" Namjoon softly touched Jin's chin and the older opened his eyes, "I did not fall for you after we came on this trip, I did long before...I know your situation, I've seen you deal with all the hard things in your life. I've seen how brave and strong you are, that was who I fell in love with and I want to continue to be in love with that person"

"I can't be strong all the time" Jin whimpered.

"I know so let me--"

"Save me? I am not waiting to be saved by a prince, I'm not a damsel in distress!!" Jin glared at Namjoon but there was pain and vulnerability in his eyes.

"I know. This is not a Disney movie. I'm not going to save you, you are going to do that yourself and I will stay and be your number one supporter. I will stand by you and hold your hand when time gets rough. I will make you realize that leaning on someone else is not a weakness"

"There's so much going on in my life and a relationship--"

"I don't want to force you into one either, hyung. Just let me love you and let me stand by your side...I want you to trust me that I love you...please don't push me away" Namjoon said.

"I--I--I'm just worried that one day you will realize that my emotional baggage is mine alone and you will leave me." Jin let the tears fall. He's been strong for too long.

"I will never leave you, I promise. I'm going to stick by your side like glue and I will wait till the day you are ready to reciprocate my feelings" Namjoon smiled.

Jin smiled and leaned into Namjoon and connected their lips.

Holy shit! Namjoon wasn't expecting this!

It was a soft kiss. Jin pulled away, "My heart has always been yours but I would really appreciate if we wait before we get into a relationship"

Namjoon was still recovering from that kiss, "um--yeah of course hyung. I will wait" he smiled.

The future has so much in hold for them.

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