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Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.

They were driving, the music was blaring, the windows were rolled down and the sky was purplish. Everyone had a smile on their face. It was beautiful.

"Where do you think we should go next?" Hobi's voice carried with the wind.

Namjoon considered the question, his eyes crinkling in thought. "How about the beach? An isolated one. We could set up tents, light fireworks. Sounds like fun, right?"

Jungkook didn't care about the conversation. He had his head on the window, the air sweeping his hair backwards. Taehyung thought he was cute with his hair sticking out in different directions.

"Yeah, a beach sounds good," Jimin said.

"Yeah same," Yoongi added.

"Says the one who hates salt water," Hobi scoffed. Yoongi rolled his eyes, "Now I feel like going"

"Yeah sure whatever"

"Okay then it's the beach" Jin announced, "Namjoon-ah look up the directions"

Namjoon wrestled with an old-school map, earning a giggle from Hobi. "Can't you just use Google Maps like a normal person?"

Namjoon's grin widened. "This makes me look adventurous."

Jin chuckled, "Sure thing, dora the explorer "


Thankfully when they arrived at the beach it wasn't crowded. There was an old married couple and some kids in the distance.

"Hyung, let's go into the water!" Jimin tugged at Yoongi's hand.

Yoongi protested, "Can't we just sit down for a while?"

"No way, come on!" Jimin stomped his foot playfully, urging Yoongi forward.

With a  sigh, Yoongi gave in. He secretly loved how Jimin's eyes sparkled with excitement when he got his way. He hated going in the water. But he pretended to like it just for Jimin because he knew Jimin enjoyed swimming. That was worth it.

Jungkook lay back on the sand, plugging in his earphones. As his favorite song started playing, he hummed along softly. Honestly music was the only reason Jungkook hadn't lost his mind.

His peaceful music session was interrupted when he felt someone tapping on his shoulder. He furrowed his eyebrows in annoyance and opened his eyes, prepared to yell at the person, but his expression softened when he realized that it was Taehyung.

"Hi" the older gave him a boxy smile.

Jungkook removed his earphones, "hi..."

"Come on, let's go into the water" Taehyung pointed at the rest of his friends playing, splashing water at each other. They looked happy.

"I don't wanna.."

"Why not?"

"I just want to lay here and listen to music" Jungkook went back to put in his earphones but Taehyung stopped him, "there's plenty of times to lie down and listen to music, but you won't get a moment like this get your ass up"

Chasing the sunset ⛅ [Taekook / bts]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz