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Jungkook is not the prettiest in the room and not the wisest either.

He is just an ordinary boy living out his days hating every second of it.

The boy who isn't the main character of his own story.

If he had to name someone as the main character, it would be Park Jimin, his best friend. Jimin had always been pretty and he had that energy that could light up any room he walked into. He had beautiful hair and an adorable face. He was too kind and too good to be true.

No, Jungkook doesn't envy him. He admires him. Jimin possesses the characteristics that Jungkook can't and doesn't possess. Instead of hating it, he wanted to cherish their friendship.

"Are you even listening to me?" Jimin's voice echoed in the tiny room.

"Huh?" Jungkook looked at the boy in his bed flipping through a magazine.

"I said, we should go on a trip," Jimin repeated.

Jungkook sighed. Here he goes again planning another impossible trip. Jimin continued, "we should take the gang with us"

"The gang as in?"

"Me, you, Namjoon and we could maybe invite Yoongi and his friends too," Jimin blushed while playing with his fingers. He wants Yoongi's friends to come because he has an eye on someone, Hoseok.

Jungkook, Jimin, Namjoon have been best friends ever since Jungkook and Jimin were in middle school and Namjoon was in high school. Yoongi is Jimin's childhood family friend, a nice, fun and caring dude. Yoongi introduced them to his friends Hoseok, Jin and Taehyung.

"As if," Jungkook scoffed.

"I'm serious! I've been thinking about it" Jimin gets like this sometimes, getting a sudden burst of wanderlust and plans an entire trip and Jungkook always plays along. The plans may never come true, they won't be practical even but it certainly doesn't hurt to entertain the idea for a while.

"why now?"

"Because, We will be done with school as of tomorrow and before we start applying for colleges we need a break" Jimin insisted. It was true. Jungkook exhausted himself by studying hard for the past 3 years, he had no break and tommorrow was their last exam. Tomorrow would be the  day where he would get a break for the first time in 3 years. He should then start preparing for his college entrance exams. 

"Where do you wanna go?"

"I don't know, we will take the car on a road trip and make spontaneous stops wherever we want." Jimin picked up his phone, "I'll ask Yoongi"

"Later. Now can we please focus on the exam, I need to get a good grade and you know that" Jungkook grabbed the phone from Jimin, who pouted and got back to his book. Jimin could easily score a 95 without touching the book but Jungkook had to put in months of effort to even graze a 80%.

His life is perfectly planned out and he needs to follow it.

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