"Go get your shoes," she states, picking up Aliana's tiny sneakers.

She put them on her, Aliana surprisingly didn't protest. Once they were on and tied, she placed the small girl on the floor and Alia took her time walking to her ready brother.

Cheryl glared at her wife as Toni grabbed the keys from the bowl on the table by the door. Toni looked up, "We won't be long." she mumbled, grabbing Hunter's hand and picking up Aliana.

She shut the door with a slam and Cheryl groaned setting the coffee mug down on the counter.

She knew she should've spoken to Toni before doing what she did, but she didn't want to argue with the brunette but now she realizes she only made it worse.

With a sigh, she got up to dump the remaining portion of her tea, not having the appetite for it anymore.

Nala came running in, checking her bowls for food but found nothing.

"Oh, yes, I'm sorry baby. I meant to refill it after my tea." the lawyer sighed and went into the broom closet to get the big bag of dog food.

After she made sure Nala was good, she walked into the living room to get her phone, only to find text messages from Toni.

Beautiful Wifey😍💍[3:38 PM]: It's a fair happening right now so the kids and I are going to go.

Beautiful Wifey😍💍[3:38 PM]: Just telling you so ya know, you won't have to worry.

Beautiful Wifey😍💍[3:39 PM]: See you later.

Cheryl[3:40]: Oh okay, that's alright. Have fun, stay safe, I love you.

Soon as she put her phone down, it went off again, Toni's contact popping up.

Beautiful Wifey😍💍[3:42 PM]: I love you more.

No matter how upset they were with each other, they never went without saying they love each other.

She let out a sigh and slid her phone to the other end of the couch, not in the mood to talk to anyone.


It was around 8 p.m when Toni entered the house alone. It was quiet and calm, the homey feeling she always gets when she enters.

Setting the keys in the bowl, Nala came wagging her tail happily. "Hey, baby, you missed me?" Toni smiled, sitting on her knees to greet the dog.

After doing that for a few, she got up to look for her wife hearing that it was very quiet. "Cher!" she called out softly as she turned into the living room. She stopped and lean on the wall.

Cheryl was fast asleep on the couch, her hair spread out on the couch pillow she was laying on. She was wearing one of Toni's sweaters and a pair of sweats.

Toni could tell the redhead had just showered since her hair looked silkier than normal.

"Cher, baby, " she whispered, going over to wake the redhead gently. She rubbed her back softly causing the lawyer to stir and turn to face her.

She opened her eyes and Toni smiled upon seeing the blue irises her wife owned.

"W-Where's the kids?" she mumbled in question.

"We bumped in Jason, he took them for the night," Toni explained. "Let's get to bed, okay?" she added.

"We still have to talk-"

"We can do that in the morning. Come on." the brunette cut her off, helping her off of the couch.

Cheryl nodded wordlessly, a yawn falling from her lips as she grabbed her phone and followed her wife upstairs.

Always & Forever   (Choni)Where stories live. Discover now