Hero Killer: "One after another… There are a lot of people getting in my way today."

Todoroki raises his phone, showing the map of Hosu city.

Todoroki: "Midoriya. You need to give more details in times like this. You made me late."

Iida: "T-Todoroki, you too? There's another one?"

Izuku: "Why are you here…? And you're using your left side…"

Todoroki: "Why? That's my line. It took me a few seconds to figure out what you meant since you sent just your location info. (lowers self) You're not really one to send that for no reason."

Annya whispers to Todoroki, who nods, launching ice towards the Hero Killer, raising the Pro Hero, Native, Izuku, and Iida from the ground.

Todoroki: "You meant that you were in trouble and to call for help, right?"

Todoroki and Annya sprinted forward, engaging towards the Hero Killer.

Todoroki: "Don't worry. The pros will also get here in a few minutes. Kiriu is coming as well."

Izuku: "Kiriu?! He's also here?!"

Annya: "Shoto, give me light."

Todoroki looks confused for a split second before launching a fire attack towards the Hero Killer, making Izuku and Native slide down the ice.

Izuku: "H-Hot!"

Annya: "Keep the flames running, please."

Annya reaches her hand forward, pointing near hers and Todoroki's feet as the shadow underneath them, from the glow of the fire, gets manipulated by Annya as it rises from the ground, turning into spikes and launching towards the Hero Killer. He jumps back, avoiding the shadow spikes. Annya releases both hers and Todoroki's shadow as it went back to the ground and slithers back to the both of them, the scene zooms into Annya's masked face as Present Mic's voice is heard.

Present Mic: "Annya Kuroishi! Hero name: "Noir"! Quirk: Shadow! She can use her shadow in any type of combat, short or long range fights and can use it for attacking and defending! Pretty flashy, eh? She can also use shadows from outside sources and use it as her own and make a hole out of it and hide in it! Although she can only use her quirk when the shadow is only made from a bright source! Putting her at a complete disadvantage in dark areas! What a day-runner for darkness she is!"

Annya: (mutters) "I'm at a disadvantage if the fire dies out."

Todoroki: "This is just like the information about him implies. I- We won't let you kill these guys, Hero Killer."

Izuku: "Todoroki, you can't let this guy see your blood! I think he controls his opponents' actions by ingesting their blood orally. That's how he got all of us!"

Annya ponders, making a defensive stance.

Annya: "He's trouble, Shoto."

Todoroki: "He sucks blood to keep people from moving. That's why he uses blades, huh? I can keep my distance and-"

Annya: "Shoto!"

Annya pushes Todoroki out of the way, the knife grazing her cheek through the mask.

Todoroki: "Noir!"

The Hero killer.

Hero Killer: "You have good friends, Ingenium!"

The Hero Killer goes to kick Todoroki and Annya, but he makes a small ice barrier, protecting them from the kick, launching the Hero Killer's sword in the air, distracting the two interns.

Zero | BNHA X OC (SLOW UPDATES ATM)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن