The Punishment

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I stand in place as I asked, "So, who are you exactly?" I don't hear anything but his shoes clicking away from me. Then a sharp pain hits my ass and I fell down.

"Owww!! Shit!! What the fuck is that for? " I yelled. " Stand up Ms. Owens!" He chuckled. I grabbed my ass cheek just to make sure I wasn't bleeding.

"There wouldn't be blood but pleasures yes! " He said as I stand up. I was about to turn and look at him. " Don't look at me! Stay in the position that I had you in now! " He said. I go to turn my back, no sooner than I placed my hands back on the table, another sharp pain hits my ass. " Oww!! " I yelled, " The more you take your time, the more punishment you will get. " He said. I hurried and placed my head down, as another sharp pain hits my left ass cheek, then another to my right ass cheek. Only to end with my pussy getting hit. Along with the screams but pleasurable feeling it left me was unexpected.

That time, I curled up in the pain, breathing hard and with my face filled with tears. I hear something hit the desk and his footsteps coming to me now. He turns me over and I almost felt like I was looking at someone that I didn't know. I was breathing hard as his face reached against mine and he kissed me.

Confused as I was, he smiled and helped me up. He grabbed my panties, balled them up and put them in his pocket. I was quiet for the most part as I straightened myself up. "You can take the day off. I mean if you want to. For the most part, my day has been made." He said.

I didn't speak, I sat back down and continued working until i could feel his stare on me. I didn't pay it no mind as I placed some folders in my drawer. Looking at the clock, it strikes 12 and it was my lunch break.

I cleared my throat, "I'm heading out to lunch." I said. He quickly interjects when I go to get up, "I actually want you to stay and have lunch with me. You must regain your strength, lunch will be here in ten minutes." He said.

"Strength for what? I have my fucking strength." I said. He looked at me and I looked him this time.

"Please, Taylor. You and me both know, that if you walk towards any part of this office, your ass gonna fall down again. So, save the bullshit for later." He said.

I rolled my eyes and tried to get up, no longer than that lasted I had to sit back down. Mr. Jackson laughs really loud this time. " See.. I told you... You can't ever walk a straight line fucking with me. Payback is a mother!!" He said chuckly and clicking his tongue against his teeth.

Embarrassed, I layed my head back against my chair, focusing on the design of the walls. I couldn't stop thinking about what just happened and what did that mean. I stayed in the position and there was a knock on the door. Mr. Jackson walks to the door, chuckling as it opened and he grabbed the bags.

He says thank you and closes the door, locking it shut. He comes back sitting the bags on my desk and walking to grab his chair. I sit up as his body is real close to me and the smell of Olive Garden hits my nose.

He gives me the plastic container and utensils. I opened the platter. Chicken Alfredo with pasta and broccoli. "Wow, I don't even remember the last time I had this." I whispered.

"It's one of my favorites.. just enjoy." He said as he already started eating. I stared at the got who I thought was a hot head but I am seeing him differently. " Staring again? You must like me." He said as his eyes snapped at me.

"I don't your just my boss. And I am just the assistant. Nothing more, nothing less." I said. I looked back at him and there's that bright ass smile again.

"Hmm.. you really love to say that don't you?" He asked. I dug into my food, the love of Alfredo, warmed my spirit and I was savoring every taste.

"After awhile you won't be saying that for long." He said sternly. "Hmm I'll bet. Do you whip all your women?" I asked.

"How many women do you think I have?" He asked. "Well you could have a million hell, I wouldn't know unless they show up to the job." I said back.

"Then that means your one of the million then. I like that. One in a million girl." He said. I looked at him this time and he rubs the bottom of his lip, then he licks his bottom lip, taking two fingers, wiping them off and then smiling.

"Peachy." I said as I continued eating.

After lunch I took the rest of the day off. I was packing up went Michael walks over to me, sliding his hands around my waist. "Be ready for me tonight and for the trip in the morning." He said.

"What does that even mean? You tonight? What the fuck for?" I asked.

"I have a business proposal for you.. and all you gotta do is read then sign. Calbennet Restaurant. I'll come and get you baby." He said as he smacked me on my sore ass and I screeched. Walking out, I couldn't help but to watch his ass, walking to his desk. Before I left, I looked at him,
"See you later sir." His eyes shot up at me and I giggled. I Walked out and headed to the elevators, satisfied but craving for so much more.

End of Chapter
Let me know if I should continue..❤️❤️
I hope you liked this one..


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