Chapter Twenty-Eight

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"Earth to Lacey."

A crumbled napkin hits me in my face, prompting daggers to emanate from my eyes straight into Tiffany's soul. "Hey! What the hell, Tiff?!"

"I'm sorry, Lacey, but desperate times call for desperate measures." Sitting there with a smug look on her face, Tiffany crosses her arms and raises a brow at me. "You've been the biggest space cadet our entire lunch. What is going on with you?"

She's right. I've definitely been off my game this Friday afternoon. Yesterday's encounter with Braden sent my emotions into a tizzy. I got home from the grocery store and spent the evening alone with my thoughts and the sensations Braden's kiss stirred up in me. No matter how much I continue to deny it, I still love him, I'm still in love with him. And now, with my feelings for Nikolai getting tangled in my heart with my feelings for Braden, I am overwhelmed with a sense of betrayal, but for whom, I don't know.

Unable to hide much of anything from her, I sigh and recount my run-in with Braden and his mother. "I know you said to let him continue to meet that emotional need of mine, but I'm still so hurt, Tiff." Not to mention, he's using me for some absurd plan of his.

"Why don't you meet up with him and talk about it?" I love Tiffany, always trying to be the voice of reason. "Braden has always been super sweet. He probably freaked out because things were getting super serious between you two and he wasn't quite ready yet." She takes a sip of her Sauvignon Blanc before continuing. "Besides, you have been with Nikolai almost every day since your breakup. Don't you think you owe it to yourself to at least hear Braden out?"

"Ugh, I guess you're right. I've been so caught up with Nikolai because it helps me to not feel the pain of his heartbreak. I just don't know if I'm ready for it yet."

Tiffany raises her finger to her chin and looks off in the distance. "You could see if they're up for a threesome. The way you've described him, my bet is Nikolai is kinky enough for that."

It's my turn to throw a napkin back at her. "You're the worst," I throw back. "Nikolai doesn't share and Braden is definitely not kinky enough."

She laughs, grabbing the napkin and making a show of dabbing her face with it. "Just a suggestion, Lace," she offers with a shrug. "Anyway, one of us has to head back to work so I'll catch you later." Tiffany rises from her chair, gives me a tight squeeze and walks away. "Bill's on me today!" she calls out over her shoulder, with a wave of her hand.


Since the library closes early on Fridays, I decide to spend the afternoon there working on the task Ernesto has given me. I make decent headway regarding some of the newer and younger board members, before finally closing up and heading home.

Walking towards my apartment, I'm greeted by a surprising, yet welcomed sight. Six-foot-two, custom tailored suit and a sexy, lazy grin on his perfectly chiseled face, Nikolai is the definition of tall, dark and handsome. He's leaning against his car, smirking at me as I saunter over to him.

"Well, this is certainly a surprise," I croon, as he pulls me in for a kiss. "To what do I owe the pleasure, Mr. Jovan?"

"I was in the neighbourhood...?" he says, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"Somehow, I doubt that," I counter, "but I'm certainly not complaining."

Reaching around my back to open his car door, he asks, "Would you believe me if I said I wanted to make you dinner tonight?" He steps to the side and pulls out two bags of groceries, holding them up like evidence at a trial.

Shocked, and slightly skeptical, I place my hands on my hips and stare in wonder. "Even with these bags, I think I'll believe it when I see it."

"Tsk, tsk, so untrusting, innocent one," he chides, giving my nose a quick peck before walking towards my building's door. He turns around and finds me standing exactly where he left me. "You coming?"

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