Chapter Seventeen

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Entering my apartment, I toss my purse on the counter and take out the list, yes, list, of items that Tiffany insists I pack. It is like she forgot the word "weekend", because the number of things she thinks I need is insane. I am also still trying to figure out how she has such a detailed inventory of my wardrobe and accessories. Note to self, ban Tiff from my bedroom. I am not complaining though, she has impeccable taste, and if I follow her instructions, I know I will be dressed to kill.

I open the door to my closet and start pulling out my different Tiffany-approved options, tossing them on the bed to determine which will make the final cut. I push some of my work clothes aside, looking for a particular dress Tiff suggested, when my eyes are drawn to a red box, tied with a satin black ribbon, tucked away in the corner of the closet. I bend down and pull it towards me, allowing my body to fall back so I can sit and open it. I know exactly what it is. I remember buying it and hiding it away, saving it for a special day that will now never come.

Pulling the ribbon, I let it fall to the side and slowly open the box. Inside is my one-year anniversary present to Braden wrapped in tissue paper. Pushing the paper aside, the first thing I see is a beautiful black lace bra and thong set. I lift the bra, admiring the pattern of the fabric. Each cup covers only half the breast, with thin straps coming out from the middle of the bra and connected to the shoulder straps, outlining and accentuating the breast. The thong has a similar pattern, with straps that run up and under the ribcage. Placing those beside me, I pick up the pair of thigh-high lace trim mesh stockings that I bought as an added accessory and set them down with the other pieces. Finally, I pull out the white and black see-through robe, added to the purchase to complement the rest of the lingerie. It is the raciest thing I have ever owned, and I was looking forward to wearing it for Braden in a few weeks.

How quickly everything changes. As with before, I find myself thinking back to the events of the week and the cancelled plans of the future. I thought Braden and I were building a life together. Lottie and Tiff were certain he was going to propose any day now. Too bad it was all a lie. A sound in the box shakes me out of my painful trip down memory lane. I look and notice a tear has fallen on the tissue paper. I quickly wipe my face and take a deep breath. You've got this, Lace. You're better off without him.

I pick up the lingerie again and start putting it back in the box, freezing as a thought comes to mind. Tossing the box to the side, I rise to my feet, lingerie in hand, and toss it on the bed with the rest of the clothes to pack. Just because Braden won't see it, doesn't mean Nikolai can't enjoy it.

After retrieving the remaining items on "the list", I begin the task of sorting through and narrowing my choices when my phone rings.

"Hey, Lottie," I say cheerily, as I turn on speakerphone and resume packing.

"Hello, my dearest niece," she responds, "how've you been? I feel like we haven't talked in a while."

Her statement evokes some guilt in me; we normally talk a few times a week, but this week I have been so distracted with my complicated life that I did not even think to call her.

"You're right, and I'm sorry. It's been a bit of a week."

"Sounds like you need a good weekend and I have just the thing!"

"You do?"

"I was thinking about coming to visit you this weekend."

I pause and raise my hand to my lips. "Y-you wh-what?"

"That's not exactly the response I was hoping for," she answers with sarcasm.

"It's just...I figured you'd come in two weeks," I say tentatively. "You know, for the anniversary."

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