Chapter Twenty-Seven

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The week passes by quickly; it feels nice to be back in a steady routine and to know what is coming next. The library is really busy as students are looking for unique pieces for their end of year projects and the warm weather brings out the hibernating patrons and inspires passersby to come in and see what we are all about.

Tiffany made sure we kept our Monday evening date and Nikolai made sure to stop by or take me out the other evenings to keep me company and warm the sheets. We seem to have fallen into quite the routine in our short amount of time with each other. There's a certain comfort about it, even if it prevents me from focusing on the state of my broken heart.

"Hey Lacey, I think I'm going to head out early today," Ian says, as he stops by my desk with his briefcase in hand. "I want to run a couple of errands before rush hour hits. You'll be okay here, right?"

"Of course, Ian," I smile. "You know I've always got things under control. I can manage for the last couple of hours."

Ian grins back, his perfect smile on display for the world to see. "That's why-"

"I'm your favourite," I interrupt him, chuckling. "Now get out of here, boss."

"See you tomorrow."

As Ian walks out the door, I reach into my desk drawer to check my phone quickly. I don't know why I can't break this habit; I only used to do it to send or receive texts from Braden throughout the day. Nobody else calls or messages; Tiffany is too busy at her job and Lottie's calls, few as they are, would override the 'Do Not Disturb', and Nikolai doesn't seem to be the type who's big on texting in general. Besides, he already set his phone number to send notifications regardless of the setting. Sure enough, no missed calls, texts, emails or any other notification.

Just as I'm about to shut the drawer, my phone lights up and the call display says "Ernesto Marconi". I freeze for a moment, then reach for my phone once again and answer it. "Hello, Lacey speaking."

"Hello, Lacey! It's Ernesto Marconi calling. Remember me? We met last week in Niagara Falls."

"Of course, Mr. Marconi. How are you doing?"

He chuckles before continuing, "I'd be better if you'd call me Ernesto."

Smiling, I respond, "I think I can do that."

"Excellent! I would like to discuss that research project we had discussed at dinner. Is now a good time?"

Looking around, the library appears to be in a lull. Emma looks up and I signal that I'm on a call. She nods to let me know she'll take care of anything that comes up. "Yes, I have some free time now. What can you tell me about the company and the type of information you want me to look into?"

"Straight to the point, I like it," he croons, the sound of shuffling papers fills the speaker of my phone. "I am looking for anything and everything connected to Richardson International. Whatever information you can gather in the press about their executive, board of directors, shareholders, financial records, charitable donations, publicity stunts and scandals. You name it, I want it."

As he's talking, I do a quick search online for Richardson International. They're not a large organization, but they are large enough that this will take me some time. "I think I can manage that. What sort of timeline are you thinking, Ernesto?"

Not wasting any time, he responds with, "I'm not in any huge rush, however, that doesn't give you permission to push this to the backburner either. I understand you are doing this as a bit of a favour to me, but I would like it back in a timely fashion."

"Without stretching myself too thin, I think I can get most of the information for you within the month."

"I admire your confidence, Lacey. That sounds perfect. I have to run now, but please do not hesitate to call me if you have any questions or require further information to help you with your task."

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