Work Call

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I woke up to 30 missed calls. I turned down the TV and called the number back. It was Andre

Me: "Damn wtf you want nigga?"

Andre: " Get yo ass up we gotta go outta town get these deliveries moving and hit up club Green Door and meet Josh."

Me: "Man fuck Josh he always talking about shit he don't have.

Andre: "Nigga get up we still got shit to do."

Me: "Ight give me bout a hour."

Andre: "Bet."

I hopped out of bed and got my shower running. While that's running I'm looking through my closet trying to see what I'll wear but it's too much to choose from. I called Marta my maid.

Me: "Can you help me please its so much."

She laughed at me first then began the search. She was pretty good at it. She picked out my white & red tru religion shirt, all white tru religion jeans, my red tru religion belt, and all red margiela shoes. I smiled at her and kissed her on the cheek but she frowned. I knew what she wanted. I gave her a stack of $100 bills. She smiled, tucked the cash in her bra, and left. I laughed and shook my head heading to take my shower.

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