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Before we get into the story, the story follows the time of everything that happens after the battle in Sokovia. It will follow the time line until endgame and even after. I don't own any of these characters or some of the story line but not everything will be the same.
I do hope you enjoy this story.

No ones point of view

The event of Sokovia had taken place almost two weeks ago now. The broken, run down city was crashed to the ground shattering into million of pieces. Hundreds of casualties and deaths all on the hands of the Avengers. One death that had not yet been mourned was Pietro Maximoff. His twin sister Wanda finding it extremely hard to coup without her brother. Every night cry's and torturous screams left the young avengers bedroom and rang through the compound. Some of the others avengers now used to the deafening screams while others jolt awake in the middle of the night waiting until the young women went back to sleep before they even attempted on close there eyes to get some more rest.

One person who couldn't help but run to the bedside of the slightly younger twin was Natasha Romanoff. Her bedroom right next door to nightmared teenager. Natasha would always be by her side during these times trying to calm her down in anyway possible. Telling her that things would get better and she wasn't alone. Sometimes Vision would also join them. He wouldn't physically touch Wanda in anyway not like Natasha did. She would hug her and gently run her fingers through her hair. Where as vision would mainly just be there for moral support.

It's was one of those days in the compound. Wanda had barley left her room all day. The only time she would leave would be for food but even then it wasn't proper meals more like snacks. The team was worried about her. She did this a lot and it was very worrying.

The team was split up within the compound. Tony was in his workshop, working on a new suit as he did most days.Vision was in his room reading a book, he was currently in human form which was nice the team enjoyed the fact that he could switch between the two.

Steve was with Sam, they had went out for a run but that was awhile ago knowing the boys they had probably went for some type of lunch.

Clint had taken to early retirement, after almost dying in Sokovia he decided it was best to stay with his family and put the whole hero business behind him.

Thor and Bruce where no where to be seen. Everyone assumed that Thor probably went back to Asgard and Bruce no one had saw him since he took of in a jet as hulk in Sokovia.

Natasha was well Natasha. The women was currently working away in her room on some files for Fury and Maria. After the collapse of Shield everything that was privately stated was then shared to the world. Natasha tried to stay low for awhile. She had went back to Russia but returned a week or so later saying going back to her home country wasn't for her.

Wanda was some in her room. She liked it that way. She would spends mostly all day in her room watching old sitcoms she's used to watch with her brother and parents before there tragic death.

But things where interrupted in the compound when Tony called for a team meeting.

All the avengers gathered in the small meeting room. Everyone sat down in a chair, even Wanda had left her room for this. "Steves old pal Rumlow, is making a move in Lagos for some biological weapon. I want Romanoff and Maximoff to get geared up and onto the jet your heading for Lagos, Steve and Sam will meet you there" Natasha and Wanda caught eyes. Wanda looked a little worried but Natasha gave her a nod. "Ive already spoke to Cap and he said he wants it to be a stealth mission so undercover gear on please and then get your asses on the jet" 

Natasha obviously knowing what a big deal this was shot right up out of her seat and back towards her room to get geared up for the mission. Wanda hung back a few seconds as everyone else scattered to go do whatever they where doing. "Tony I don't know if I'm ready for this" Wanda tried to fight her case but Tony didn't look like he way buying it.

Let me fight for you/ Wanda X NatOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz