Chapter Thirty Two

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"Keep it up guys! We're almost there!" Thomas yells back to the rest of the group a few minutes after we left the Glade.

Newt and I are further away from the group, it's hard to keep up with a limp. I don't know how he's done it all these years. I've only just smashed mine into the concrete a few days ago and it's the most painful thing I've ever felt, well that I can remember.

Thomas stops our group in front of a corner, and gestures his hand up for us to stay still and close against the wall. He peers his head around the corner.

I notice his nervous facial expression, and how shaky his breath is.

"Is there a griever?" Chuck asks nervously.

"Yeah," Thomas replies very quietly.

"Shit," Chuck says between breaths.

"You take this, Chuck," Minho says giving Chuck the "key." "Stay behind us."

"It's okay, you'll stay with me," I whisper.

"And me," Teresa says, putting her hand on my shoulder with a small smile. I smile back, thankful for her.

"We stay close and we stick together. We get through this, we get out now, or we die trying. Ready?" Right as Thomas says 'ready,' he bangs his large pole onto the ground.

Before we run off, I quickly limp over to Newt and embrace him in a hug. Without saying one word I plant a kiss on his forehead. He's taller than me so I do have to stand on my tippy toes and bend his head down.

"Alright," Thomas whispers, before yelling, "LETS GO!"

At full speed the whole group runs to the griever, weapons out and ready to fight.

The grievers awful noises and gestures make me wanna vomit. Each move it makes creates a loud, obnoxious, ear piercing noise.




As I'm thrown to the side by the griever's arm pushing me, I see Nick fly off the cliff.

"NICK!!" I scream at the top of my lungs.
But before I know it, the arm nearly squashed Teresa, but luckily just in time she moved out of the way. "AGHH!" She yells as she chops off the arm with a knife.

I watch as the arm flies in the air, only to see it lands on Chuck, which makes the key go flying!
"THE KEY!" He shouts.

I run after him with my machete out, covering him in case of attack. I turn around and see he's heading towards the edge. "CHUCK! THE EDGE!"

Me and Teresa run over just as he dangles over the edge of the cliff.
"Oh no," I hear him say.

Teresa and I kneel down. On his right side I grab his shoulder and belt, and Teresa does the same except for the left side.
"We got you Chuck!" Teresa says.

"Pull me up pull me up!"

Just as we get him up, grievers from both sides of the cliff start climbing over. "Oh my shucking god," I say. "Run!" I grab Chuck's hand and check to make sure Teresa is behind me, which she is.

The boys seem to notice because when we run past them they jump into action of fighting them off.

Teresa, Chuck and I reach the griever's home, also known as the door to get us out of this hell hole.

Since We Were Kids (Newt x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now