Chapter Twelve

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Newt's POV

I'm almost too focused on the Greenie that I barely even notice Teddy standing at my side, grasping my hand ever so gently.

I wish there was something I could do to stop Gally, but I know that will only bring me into the situation, and I know for a fact Gally could beat up me in a minute.

Gally shoves the boy to the ground multiple times, but each time the Greenie stood back up again. Each time Teddy squeezed my hand tighter. The Newbie really seemed determined not to leave the circle without winning, or whatever you wanna call that.

For about the third time he got shoved down, the boy shot straight up. He ran at full speed and rammed his head into Gally's stomach! Gally winced with pain before tripping the boy to the ground, harder than he should of. His head slammed onto the ground, it was almost unbearable to watch. The crowd of Gladers went silent, focusing on the boy and what was to come.

The Greenie slowly stood up, holding his head and dusting himself off. He began starring into space, his eyes looking dizzy.

He murmurs something in which the crowd turns into a light chatter.
"What did he say?" I hear multiple Gladers whisper.

"Thomas," he repeats faintly, but still audible.

Teddy and I both turn to look at each other.

"Thomas!" He repeats louder. "I remember my name— I'm Thomas!!" He yells.

Teddy and I turn to look at each other once more with smiles this time, until the crowd of Gladers breaks out with cheers of joy.

"Thomas!!!" Alby shouts.

It's times like these when the Glade isn't so bad or scary. And it's hard to believe that only hours ago everyone was in a terrible mood from losing Ben.

After a few minutes of cheering, patting backs and excitement and quiets everyone down.
"Alright you shanks!" He jokes, "let's get some shuteye!"

And with that everyone starts heading back to their huts.

"Goodnight Newt," Teddy says while pulling me into a hug.

"Goodnight Teddy," I say in return, embracing her loving hug.

When she hugs me it's almost as if the whole world stops. It's almost like it's just us, and all my worries are drowned away into this nothingness. When I clasp my arms around her there's not a care in the world.

She releases her grasp and walks away into the darkness of the night, leaving me by myself in the fading glow of the fire.

I watch her walk away until I can't see her anymore.

After moments of swimming through my thoughts, I decide to head back to my hut. It's getting late and I'm tired.

While walking to my hut I notice Alby sitting near Homestead on a picnic table. A lantern lights himself up and I notice how his knees are pulled tightly to his chest. I immediately know what's wrong: we lost yet another Glader. It felt so wrong celebrating tonight, when we just put a boy out of his misery. I quickly burry the thoughts deep down and away.


I walk into my hut quietly incase Minho, Frypan, Chuck or Thomas are asleep. It seems weird not calling him Greenie anymore.

I tiptoe to my hammock and lay down. I hear loud snoring, so that means Minho is asleep. I'm not sure about the others, though.

As I lay there I think about what Thomas was telling me earlier...

"You like her... don't you," the boy says out of no where.

"...What?" I say shocked, but quietly. Of course I don't like her like that! Do I? So what if I did it doesn't matter! She deserves someone better than me.

"I can tell by the way you talk about her, and look at her," He says nudging me with his elbow.

"So what if I do? I don't- but, even if I did she won't like me back," I say.

He scoffs. "And how will you ever know that- if you never tell her how you feel," he says.

I shake off the thought, but it keeps coming back. I never really thought of Teddy and I like 'that.' She's only my best friend. There can't be anything more— can there?

I hope you all are enjoying this story so far! I look forward to writing it every day.
Lemme know what you all think. Also follow my TikTok! @ marvelrunners

Ok bye have a good day :)

Since We Were Kids (Newt x Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora