Chapter Thirteen: The Incident

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"Val, I am literally about to scream my head off" Anya says.

I told her everything that happened last night.

"Dude hear me out-"

Anya glares at me.

"Yeah... you're right, that was stupid" I say quickly.

I can tell she's gonna start again so I try to explain myself.

"Listen listen. I was thinking about it for a long time last night. You know my whole situation about my mom, right?" She nods "Well, I think she's part of the reason I'm so freaked out by Rodrick. He's the first person I've actually.. fallen in love with. And subconsciously I think if I get close with him then he'll leave me. If my mom loved me then why did she leave? I just don't want to go through anything like it again." I sigh. This turned into a therapy session real fast.

"Wow. That was a lot"

"I know. But that's probably it." I conclude.

"Well, I say this as a friend and because I love you, but you're gonna have to move on from the past because it's affecting your relationships now. You could be so happy with Rodrick but some irrational fear is holding you back from that. He's not like your mom, nobody is. He wouldn't leave you if he really loved you."

"You're right. I just need some time" I say.

"That's fine. But just remember, he's not going to wait forever" she says.

She's right. I guess this is another thing I have to overcome.

I can do it for him.


I go through the rest of the week pretty normally. I don't wanna get any closer with Rodrick until I know I have this whole mental thing sorted out. After the half cuddle situation on Sunday he's seemed a bit awkward around me. I just don't know how to let him know I enjoyed it without being weird. I'll be physical every once in a while, granted it might just be a friendly punch or pat on the head, but it's something.
I think we're still just as close as before, though.

Rodrick has really shown me a lot of compassion, I should start to warm up to the idea. It definitely has gotten easier, I just don't think I'm quite there yet.


It's been a whole week and it's Sunday again. Pretty uneventful for me.
I try and give Rodrick a call during the afternoon but he doesn't answer. I try again a few hours later, but still no answer.

That's weird. I hope he's doing alright.


The following Monday I spot Rodrick in the hallway between classes.

"Hey Rods, how's it going" I try to say as casually as possible.

"Hey Red, sorry I didn't answer your calls. Mom's super mad at me right now and took my cellphone yesterday" he explains.

"What happened?"

"Eh, long story short I gave my brother a fake poop stain, he attacked me in the middle of church, and now we're waiting to see with what punishment my mom comes up with."

"Okay, first of all that sucks, sorry, but I think I'm gonna need to hear the full story now."

He explains the whole scene to me. I'll spare you the details, but it involves a snickers bar, a pink cardigan, and a lot of shocked old people.

While it is really funny, it makes me realize that having Rodrick as a sibling must be a huge pain for Greg.

"Damn, you're kind of a shit brother" I say once he finishes the story.
"No, I'm just creative" he tries to make his case.
"You really should be nicer to your family though. They won't exactly be around forever." I realize I'm probably subconsciously making this about my mom again. Whoops.

"I guess you're right. It's just that when I see an opportunity, I take it. I can't help it."

Kinda wish he'd take those opportunities with me, rather than using them to mess with his sibling.

"At the expense of your own brother?"
"Of course, what else are siblings for?"
"Wouldn't know."
"Right.." he pauses.

Honestly, this is the most normal conversation we've had recently. Last week was super awkward between us, he couldn't even look me in the eye. But I think we're finally past that stage.

"Anyway, gotta get to class" he ruffles my hair "later, nerd."

I blush and smile stupidly once his back is turned.



"Wow that's hilarious" Anya reacts to my retelling of Rodrick's church incident.

"Jesus, are all siblings this brutal?" I ask
"Pretty much" she says "I cannot even begin to tell you what kind of hell my siblings have put me through just to get a laugh. But it's okay, I get back at them. It's a whole part of sibling culture."
"It's like National Geographic..." I say.
"Cold blooded and ruthless? Yes, yes it is" she confirms my suspicions.
"Glad I'm an only child." I lean against my locker.

"By the way" I look around, making sure the coast is clear "I think I'm starting to warm up to the idea of asking out Rodrick a little more." I tell her.
"Really? That's exciting. Do you think he's still interested?"
"I don't think I've been holding off on him for that long, it's only been a week. I'm sure he still might be."
"So do you have a plan?"
"Sort of. I'm gonna try and aim for this weekend since he's in trouble with his mom now. I'm sure he'll be able to hang out more by Saturday or something."
"Right on, I'm digging the strategy. Look at you! Getting more confident in yourself. I'm so proud." She pretends to cry.
"Yeah yeah, thanks mom" I pat her on the head.

Well, this weekend better be worth waiting for.

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