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It's me

I'm sure you guys have a ton of questions, and I welcome them. I really don't have any excuse for taking so long. School started. 

I'm really sorry you guys. Here, two long chapters.



Line of Hypocrisy(3)

I turned around, ignoring the slightly trembling man in favor of catching up with the others. I placed down my bookbag and the food, rolling a shoulder to relieve the cramps in my neck and shoulder.

"Ha-Neul-ssi, why is Dokja-ssi asleep?" Yoo Sangah asked, tilting her head to the side as her gaze went from the tall woman to the sleeping man.

Ha-Neul crossed her arms, making the veins in her arms more obvious, as she furrowed her brow, "I'll be completely honest, I have no clue. It could be a side effect from a skill that I used on him."

Yoo Sangah looked at me in confusion. "Don't worry about him," I assured her. "It didn't do him any harm. Besides, he should be waking up in a few minutes. Anyways, Hyunsung-Oppa, can you tell me about the current situation?"

He nodded, standing perfectly straight as he started recounting everything he knew about the current place. "Currently there are 86 people here at Gumho station, 88 with you and Dokja-ssi."

I nodded, furrowing my brows as I spoke. "There's less than I thought."

Lee Hyunsung nodded, "Yes. When the scenario broke out, only those near the station and those who were on the train survived. There wasn't anyone who stated it very clearly, however, perhaps in the first scenario..." He trailed off, looking awkwardly at his feet.

I nodded, understanding his next words without explanation. It was obvious from the expressions of these people. These people had trampled on the lives of someone else to survive. They were all murderers.

"Gumho station is currently divided into two groups." Lee Hyunsung continued. "To be more specific, it's more one group and then there are the rest." He explained, looking at the group of men with a dark expression. There were men armed with iron pipes and other instruments. With this, it was obvious which faction had the greater power.

"Trust in me! The group president is working hard and soon, everyone will be rescued!" An annoyingly familiar voice exclaimed, loud enough for the entire station to hear. The youngest son of the Hankyung group, Han Myungoh.

I rolled my eyes, for a man so confident in himself, he had such a sad fate.

"Hyung-nim is right, everyone. Don't lose hope, we will soon be led to safety." The one who had embraced Han Myungoh and practically led the group was Cheon Inho, they were the 'mainstream' group.

I scoffed, fixing my collar.

"Mom, I'm bored. Can I play a game on your phone?" A little boy asked, looking up at his exhausted mother.

"Hold on for a second, dear. The rescue team will come soon."

"The government will act, it isn't easy to collapse an entire country."

Then some were 'protected' by the mainstream group. They were the ones who wanted to get on with their lives, the 'marginalized group.'

A will too weak to kill others, and a mindset that found their current situation unavoidable. Even if a group of a hundred murderers was gathered, they would be sorted from weakest to strongest. Maybe this marginalized group didn't see themselves as murderers, after all, they thought this current situation was unavoidable.

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