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Starting the Paid Service(3)

There were different reactions once the dokkaebi disappeared. Some tried to get off the train, then there were the ones who frantically tried to call the police. Yoo Sangah belonged to the latter group.

"T-the police aren't picking up! What should I do...what do I do..."

"Yoo Sangah-ssi," I said, putting Gilyoung down and taking my headphones back but keeping his line of sight away from all the gore surrounding us. "Calm down." She gave me a pitiful look, tears welling up in her eyes as she stuttered.

"Yoo Sangah-ssi," Dokja said, hands on her shoulder. "Remember the game that the development team made? Have you ever played it? A game where the entire world was destroyed and, in the end, only a few people survives."

"H-huh? W-what are you say..."

"Think about it in this way, we are in a game right now."

Yoo Sangah silently licked her lips, her trembling calming down. "Game..."

"Yes, a game. It's a game, so don't hesitate to do the things that Ha-Neul and I tell you to do, ok?"

"O-ok. What should I do, now?"

"Just stay still." He straightened his back, a sigh of relief escaping his lips before he closed his eyes and opened them back up. He looked around.

[Three Ways to Survive in a Ruined World]

The descriptions that had once existed only in a novel now unfurled themselves before his eyes.

[The dokkaebi stretched out its antenna.]

[The bodies scattered like trash in the carriage.]

[The bloodied office worker trembled.]

[An old lady groaning in her seat.]

It was like Neo in the Matrix. Observing, questioning, and then eventually accepting it. It felt odd to be able to accept such a crazy thing like this as reality, but it was our reality now.

"Come on everybody! We should all calm down. Let's all start breathing calmly." Someone stepped forward exactly five minutes after the dokkaebi had disappeared. "Are you calm yet? Everyone, please stop what you're doing and pay attention to me."

The ones that had been crying as well as those who had been frantically making calls, stopped. Once everyone's attention was gathered to him, he spoke once more. "As you know, in the event of a national disaster, small disturbances can cause large human casualties. That is why I will now take control of the current situation."

"Wait, who are you?"

"A national disaster situation? What are you saying?"

Some people belatedly recovered and strongly resisted the word 'control'. I couldn't help but roll my eyes.

"I am currently an Army lieutenant serving in the 6502 unit. I just received a message from my unit." People gathered around his phone to read the message.

I on the other hand stayed behind with the others. It was a national disaster situation, people were bound to be afraid. The things that happened next would only let their fear grow stronger,

Army Lieutenant Lee Hyunsung.

He was one of the main supporting 'characters' for 'Ways of Survival'.

[Steel Sword Lee Hyunsung]

"Soldier-nim! What is happening?"

"I have been trying to contact my unit, but.."

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