
89 13 2

Author :: BottleOfWishes
Interviewer :: Raey

Greetings, I am Raey, a mere reporter from kpop house, so before we roll in with the interview can you please tell me how should I address you?

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Greetings, I am Raey, a mere reporter from kpop house, so before we roll in with the interview can you please tell me how should I address you?

Hello! It's very nice to meet you, Raey. You can call me Blaire. 

It's a pleasure to have you on board too, Blaire. 

Moving on, let's kickstart with the first question and that is when was the first time you had picked up the pen to ink something, and what did you feel about it?

I've never actually written my stories down on paper before. Usually, I type them down on a computer. But the first time I decided to write a story was when I was around 12 in middle school. I'm a real sucker for scary stories, so I thought it would be cool to write one of my own. I've never written anything before but I thought I should just try it out for fun since Halloween was just around the corner at that time. I still have it in my drafts in my old google account. And I just remember how much joy it gave me to write that story. That was the first time I realized that writing was really enjoyable for me.

That's interesting, tbh the horror genre is very underrated when it comes to creating those jump scares and nerve chilling quotings, and I believe those writings of yours would be amazing.


Furthermore, driving towards the next question, what inspired you to pen down My Genie and Chained, both in relation with fantasy and a spark of mythological creatures, so what was it that made you write them? 

I agree, there definitely needs to be more horror stories on here. I do plan on doing one in the future, but I'm not 100% sure yet. I need to plan out how I want it to go down first. This shouldn't come off as a surprise but the inspiration for "My Genie" was Jimin's song "Filter." The first time I heard it, I immediately wanted to read a story about Jimin being a genie. I didn't write stories at the time because I stopped when I entered high school to focus on my health on other things, so I waited for someone to publish a story about it. But then months past and there still wasn't a genie story that was to my liking. I remember it was the day before Easter, I was laying on my bed and I told myself, "You know what? I'm going to write about it. Then I just jumped right into it XD. I spent Easter planning out how I wanted the storyline to be. 

As for "Chained" it was originally a story, I wrote when I was 12. It was called "Thief" at first. One day when I was thinking about more story ideas, that old story came to my head and decided to go back and read it. It wasn't a Fanfiction at first and there were no sirens in it. But it had potential so I decided to re-write it and turn it into something better. When I was writing the intro for "My Genie I really wanted to write a siren story, and I originally gave the role of the siren to Taehyung. But I realized that there are already a lot of stories about Taehyung being a siren so I switched it to have Namjoon be the one due to the lack of stories he has. And it ended up being a great decision because I feel like he fits the role better.

I agree. Namjoon is a tailor made fit for the siren in your story, maybe it's the aura surrounding the character or the vibes but namjoon's casting as the lead gives the reader a clear visualisation and the way I relate when you said jimin and genie. After filter, it's final no one suits the role of a genie than Jimin, the flirtatious grin of the song and then again the backstory of the concept makes a perfect match.


Jumping onto the third question, do you suffer writer's block? It often ends up in a tragic dilemma and stress for the writer so do you have any advice to give out to the writer's out on the platform?

Oh, of course. I'm pretty sure all writers suffer from writer's block. My advice is to close your computer for a second, listen to some music you enjoy, watch a show/ movie, or read another story. That's usually what I do when I have writer's block, and it helps me recharge and get motivated and inspired to get back to typing.

That's quite a healing process if stated, maybe music is really the answer to the whirling problems, it just lightens up the room.


Is there a recent book that you've been reading or have read, or maybe some recommendations our readers can tune up to?

I definitely recommend "My Mate is Too Shy" and "My Mate Is A Crazy Cat Lady" by @Elvenmuggle. She is such an underrated author. I don't even like werewolf stories but hers are an exception. Her writing is magnificent and her humor is everything. Also I recommend "Cupid's Law" by @BurkahRae12. I have never wanted to talk to an author about their thought process behind a story until I read this one. I have so many questions to ask about the inspiration behind some scenes because the concept is everything. And her writing is spectacular as well. I always look forward to her updates. Definitely, support these authors and their stories.

There is so much place on this platform and yet such impeccable talent is left untouched. I really hope such passionate working writers get the achievement they aspire to own.


Driving off to the last question of the interview, I would like to ask you what's the first thing you think of while you start with the plotting of a story and how you plan it through and are there any elements like music that inspire you to write?

So, unlike other authors, I actually don't get as much inspiration from music as I would like to. I usually get inspiration based on my real life experiences or from movies that have a similar concept or message that I'm trying to give. Also, a lot of writers can type their stories while listening to music, but I can't. I find it quite distracting. I love typing in total silence so my brain can think better.

The first thing I think of when coming up with the story is the overall concept of it. Let's say I want to write a story about fairies. I usually come up with some scenes first then decide which member will fit the role better. After that, start planning out a good idea of how I want the story to start and end. Just like I did for "My Genie" and "Chained" I did a layout on how I want each chapter to go. So, I have already had both stories planned out since the beginning.

That's smart and unlike others, I actually relate when you mentioned the notion of not being able to write with music, I prefer to write stuff with solace and no sound, it's actually calming

And yes the way you mentioned your step ups for plotting is quite amazing and really beneficial and ig the readers really must be inspired by your curriculum.

With this I'd like to conclude the interview, thank you so much for giving us your time and blessing us with your words.Thank you once again, we are really grateful.

No problem. Thank you for having me.

Pleasures all ours, hope you have a great day/night ahead.


-from kpop house studios-

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