Where Words Bleed

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Author:- onelasttae
Interviewer:- Rae

onelasttae recently made headlines after entering the paid stories section with her taekook book Russian Roulette now known as Love Maze and she is also credited as the creator of stories that had built up memories for the shop enthusiasts

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onelasttae recently made headlines after entering the paid stories section with her taekook book Russian Roulette now known as Love Maze and she is also credited as the creator of stories that had built up memories for the shop enthusiasts.

Thank you so much Mela for joining us today as we can't be more than excited to know you from an angle that many want to get acquainted with - your professional side.

I'd love to be part of this (: I checked it out & everything's super put together! I admire you for all of that hard work.

What inspired you to write at first like what gave fuel to the fire of your journey as a writer?

I actually started writing when I was 6/7 years old! I liked reading a lot at the time, and back then I used to draw, so I drew a lot of picture books! I started off from there, getting inspired by the stories I was able to read when I was at that age. I also had a really active mind so I was able to create a lot of different prompts, and my teachers encouraged me to write short stories, so I took the chance. I think it was always an early dream of mine to write something and get recognized for it. since I was really young, I wanted to be a picture book author, but now that I'm older, from time to time I've thought about becoming an author. if I wasn't exposed to books when I was super little, I'm not sure I would be doing this right now!


What according to you is the best plotline ever created by you if nominated as the editor's choice?

Hmm, it would probably be How to Top if people were going to look past its sexual themes! It's one of my favorite books that I've ever written. Like from the characters to the plot, and the whole development- I'll forever be proud of how that book turned out and no future work of mine, in my opinion, could top that ahaha. I spent a lot of time on it! My hands and joints were injured around that time, but the support I got for that book means so much to me and I wanted to push through to finish it. It was a book based on some personal experiences of mine and I used that to hopefully provide comfort to those who read it and myself, so seeing people say they relate to it & feel good after reading HTT means the world to me. I went through a bad period of time writing HTT, but the people and the story and everything just made it worth it. So if it were to be picked as the editor's choice, I would be a bit surprised but also I'd be super grateful and thankful.


How long does it takes you to write a book?

It takes me less than a year to complete an actual book! Most of my current books took less than a year since I had school in between. Also, depending on how long it is and how long it takes for the chapters to be written, sometimes they're done in the span of a few months. In the past, I've managed to write like two fanfics during the summer, but unfortunately, I don't have that time anymore ahaha! I spend like two-three hours of my day writing chapters whenever I can. I like to update frequently because, like many others, I wanna see the end to the story too (:


What do you like to do when you are not writing?

I don't have many hobbies. I dropped a lot of the other extracurriculars I did to pursue writing when my account took off when I first began high school. I used to play volleyball and basketball back then, but now, I mostly just write. But in the time I'm not, I usually just watch streams on Twitch, listen to music, or play videogames. Unfortunately, nowadays I don't have as much free time as I used to since I picked up a lot of college classes this semester. When I have the chance, I mostly just write, and I don't regret it!


What was one of the most surprising things you learned in creating your books and what is your best advice to all the young and starting writers out there as they try to build a famous story?

The most surprising thing I learned while creating my books was how it's easy to write the stories that YOU love. I know that nowadays most people trying to start up to try to write what's popular, or what other people might like. There's some people who try to achieve a "perfect" story on the first try, and like the other two reasons, get heavily discouraged and never end up finishing. Nothing wrong with not finishing a book-- it's just not meant to be. I'm a really strong believer in the phrasing "if it's meant to be, it'll be." Nothing's wrong with trying to appeal to what's popular or trying to make a perfect story, because let's face it, that's a small aspect of writing. However, it's not everything. Honestly, this applies to my advice for other authors, write what you love. Write what you want to read. Write something you'd be proud of, not what others would be proud of.
It's hard to get out of the mindset that nobody will read your books, or that you'll never get that recognition. I've been on Wattpad for a long time-- I've been through that too and I understand the struggle. I had multiple accounts trying to get "fame" but all of them never worked out. I was pretty jealous of others and clout-greedy until I realized that won't get me anywhere. It's not worth it to invalidate other's hard work because your's isn't getting recognized. Comparing yourself to other's success will never work out because you're you. And honestly, it'll happen. Might not be tomorrow, or today, or even in the next few months. If you keep your head leveled, write what you love, work hard, and just have fun, you'll be rewarded eventually. This is a hobby, not a competition. If it's mean to be, it'll be (:


Awe that's one of the best interviews I have taken believe me it's so sweet that it melts my heart, you really are so humble.
I hope you deserve your dream and ambitions in life and become who you always wanted to be, my love's there for you, and thank you again <3

Note:- The interview took place few days before Mela made it into the editor's choice list and the paid plan of Wattpad. It was such a coincidence because I actually asked her about the editor's choice-

I really want to know how she is feeling after reaching this huge milestone.

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-from Kpop house studio-

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