^Her outfit^

She walked out of the room when she heard the doorbell rings.

Walking down the stairs, she heard no voices, it was quiet.

‘Has the guests not arrived yet?’ She pondered.

Reaching the last step, she saw Dante, who hearing the echo of her heels clicking came, stretching his hand out.

“Splendid as ever. I won't be able to take my eyes off you.” Dante complimented. He was in awestruck. Completely bewitched by her beauty, a thought went through his head,
‘How did I get so lucky to call this beautiful woman mine?’

“You sure know how to melt my heart. Besides, you look spectacular as well!” Charlotte praised.
‘He never misses any chance to make her happy’ Charlotte felt blessed to call him, hers.

Dante wore a black button-up shirt which stuck to his body like a second skin, featuring his chest. The sleeves were fitted properly, underlining his muscles, which seems to be popping out. He was wearing a matching black jean with it. His body shape resembled that of a model. Overall, he was looking drool worthy.

She wrapped her arms around his, and both of them walked together. The power that this couple's aura hold, was unexplainable. Both of them together looked like made for each other. But, what people don't know is, it was them who made each other fit together and not the destiny.

When they both walked in the living room, Charlotte felt swamped with many emotions together. Watching the familiar faces of her loved ones, even though she was angry and disappointed, she loved them, nevertheless.

“AUNTY CHARLIEEE!” Charlotte's almost three-year-old niece, Davina, ran to her and wrapped her arms around her legs.

“My Diva!” Charlotte exclaimed happily. Crouching down a little, she picked her niece up, setting her on her hips.

“I mis-sed you!” Davina buried her face in Charlotte's neck, loving the warm that radiated from her beloved aunty.

“I missed you too, little diva!” Charlotte claimed, rubbing Davina's back in a soothing manner.

Dante witnessed their interaction in awe. You can tell by looking that this niece and Aunty's relationship was not ordinary, but special. Seeing her, the thought of her with their children crossed his mind, which made him both excited and happy.

But, it's still too early to think about kids. Charlotte had lost one, without even her knowing. So, it's better to wait for a while. Dante thought to himself.

“Charlotte? How are you?” Samantha asked. Tears brimming in her eyes. After everything that happened with Charlotte, Samantha was delighted to witness her sister-in-law happy. She had never seen Charlotte glow from happiness, which was now apparent on her face,, and it was because of that one guy.

Samantha was exceedingly happy that Charlotte finally found someone who cherished her to the moon.

“I have been doing outstanding. Dante, makes sure of it.” Charlotte smiled. She wasn't angry at them. It was her parents her anger was mainly directed to. Her siblings were also kept in the dark, just as hers. They don't deserve to get blamed for something they, too, were unaware about.

“It is good to know that.” Samantha, embracing Charlotte, whispered in her ear.

It was Anthony, who came towards her next. His eyes filled with contentment to finally meet his sister, his real sister, after more than a month. He was desperate to apologize to her for not able to keep her safe.  He blamed himself for failing in protecting her.
Samantha took Davina from Charlotte, and step aside.

A Tale Of The Hearts: The Memory ForgottenWhere stories live. Discover now