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Love y'all❤

Charlotte's POV:

A moan evaded from my lips as my head ached like it was slammed into the concrete floor and was about to burst open at any moment.

I wake up due to a heavyweight that prevented me from moving in my sleep. My body felt stiffer when I tilted my head upwards and saw what it was, only for my breath to get hitched in my throat.

Dante, who was sleeping peacefully that too bare-chested, had his arms wrapped around me in a tight grip, with his legs tangled with mine.

I gulped as my mind created different scenarios in my mind and carefully pulled the blanket up to sneak what I was wearing only to curse myself after seeing that I was only wearing Dante's black shirt.

I clutched my eyes shut to remember what happened last night and why my head feels like it's going to blow up, but nothing. Furthermore, I was blank as to how we ended up here, together.

Remembering going to the bar and drinking was where a period is put in my memories. I couldn't remember anything else that happened later.


I remember I made a promise to myself, never drink again because you're blank drunk.
That's why you should never break promises, unless necessary.

“Good Morning, love!” I instantly close my eyes shut as I heard him speak, my heart thumping furiously against my chest.

What is wrong with my heart? Why is it beating fast? Does it want to come out?

“Are you pretending to be asleep?” He questioned, his voice husky, making butterflies erupt in my stomach.

Am I sick? Why am I feeling like a high school girl?

“Mm hmm” I answered, before banging my head against the wall in my thoughts. Why did I answer him?

I felt his chest vibrate as he let out a chuckle, hearing me. He is finding my misery funny!

“And may I ask why, my lady?” He asked, his tone as if teasing me.

‘My lady’ that word alone had me imagining myself getting all red like that in anime, when pink blush appears on a person's face when shy.

I shook my head, still with eyes shut tightly, trying not to lose myself in his addictive voice.

“Why are you not opening your eyes? Are you feeling flustered because of what happened?” He whispered against my ear, his breath hitting the area between my neck and shoulder blade, which made my breath stop.

I need to breathe! Gosh, I'm not the same Charlotte who tend to forgot to breath when in his presence! I'm not a high school girl fanning over a crush.
I'm with my love, the one I can't live without. So, let out your breath! Otherwise, you'll die from not breathing.

I let out a deep breath and opened my right eye, staring at him, I answered feeling embarrassed “The thing is I”

“Continue.” He encouraged me while I struggled to let those words out.

I'm embarrassed more than ever. How can I tell him that I don't remember anything and ask if we slept together or not?

Damn me!

A Tale Of The Hearts: The Memory ForgottenWhere stories live. Discover now