The War Part 4

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Hey guys I'm gonna try to finish this story so yeah Uhh hope ya like this chapter...

-couple weeks later-

"Hey Izuku we got another Mission with Gran Torino looks like they finally found Bakugous next move is" Shoto said with Kirishima behind him.

"Cmon Midoriya!" Kirishima shouted. "It's our chance to finally put an end to Bakugou!" The red head said. Izuku slowly got up with a new hero suit which represented a ninja.

 Izuku slowly got up with a new hero suit which represented a ninja

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(It looks like this)

His mask anbu mask was on and as he took it off his left eye had a scar. "Let's go" he said.

Later on with the mission

"He appears to be this way" Gran Torino pointed at a cave in the forest. "Alright on my command we move in" Endeavor said. All the police man nodded as they loaded their guns, rifles, and snipers. "Get into your positions!" The chief said.

Endeavor walked to the cave but it was dark so he couldn't see. He then lighted a flame in his hands showing a pathway. "What is he up to.." The current Number One hero thought as he walked down the pathway.

Outside the Cave

Izuku and the others followed to Gran Torino's location. "Gran Torino where is he?" Izuku asked the hero. "He's in the cave but I suggest-." Torino was then cut off as The Flame Hero Endeavor was blown away to a tree. "FIRE!!!" The Chief commanded as they fired their rifles and handguns at Bakugou but he caught all of the bullets.

The blonde haired teen then smirked and dropped bullets. "Weak" He disappeared snapping all of the police men's neck in a second only leaving the Chief alive. "Your next weakling..." Bakugou said in a cold tone.

"Please! Don't kill me! Please I'll do anything you want!" He said. Shoto then shot out his fire at Bakugou as Kirishima grabbed the chief. "Always getting in the way huh Icey Hot!" He dodged the attack. Shoto tightened his fist with a flame covering it. The Half Cold and Half Hot ran to Bakugou swinging his fist at him but got blown away with Bakugou hitting him in the gut.

"Just like Father and Son!" Bakugou laughed. "RASENGAN!!!" Izuku made an Rasengan appear on the palm of his hand charging towards the young villain. Bakugou grabbed Izukus wrist and threw him towards a rock. "Hmph.. weakling..." Bakugou whispered to himself. "CHIDORI!!!" Izuku yelled as it appears that it was a shadow clone who Bakugou threw. "What the hell"

Izuku tightened his fist and punched Bakugou in the gut sending him flying to the cave with rocks caving him in.

Bakugou then punched the rocks away and jumped to Izuku with rage in his eyes. "IM GONNA KILL YOU!!!!" Bakugou yelled. Gran Torino then kicked Bakugou in his ribs. Bakugou coughed up blood on the ground wiping the blood off his mouth.

The wanted villain appeared above Gran Torino punching him to the ground also crushing him. Gran Torino screamed in pain and all of a sudden his spin broker leading him to his death by Bakugou brutally beating him up. "NOOO!!!" Izukus eye pupils then turned into a slit and tackled the blonde. Bakugou kicked Izuku off escaping the scene.

"Dammit!" Izuku punched the ground.

"Gran Torino's dead..."

Hello my peeps like I said hope you guys like this chapter and I might do a little something with Izuku
Anyways I'm prob gon post another chapter today and if not prob tomorrow! Cya!

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