Love Revealed

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Over the week of no school Izuku and Momos bond grew more and more as they hanged out. They started to text each other a lot and became best friends but Izuku has feelings for Momo now.

Izuku and Momo started to walk to school and people kept adoring them because they both looked cute together.

Once they arrived to the classroom Shoto gave the two teens a vicious look. "Ok problem children you will have three weeks to prepare for the UA Festival." Aizawa said. "But isn't that a little too dangerous ever since the USJ incident?" Denki raised his hand. "The school says that we cannot be afraid of the villains so that's why we're doing it early this time plus there will be heroes patrolling around the area." Aizawa stated. "Also you'll need try your best because everyone will be watching including the heroes." Aizawa explained.

"Alright back to the stuff we're going to do today, we will be doing sparring." Aizawa said.

They all went out to the track field where it was wide open. "First up will be Todoroki and Izuku." Aizawa said. The two students walked up and got into a fighting stance. They were given a go and both of them waited for the other to attack. Shoto used his ice as shot it a Izuku. Izuku got a slit on his cheek and ran towards to Shoto and punched him in the face. Izuku transformed into his green cloak and leaped onto Shoto. One punch and the fight was over Izuku had won. 'That worthless brat I'll get Momo from him just watch.' Shoto thought to himself.

"Are you okay Izuku?" Momo worriedly said. "I'm fine Momo it's just a slit." Izuku said. Momo then puts a bandage over the slit and kissed Izuku on the cheek. 'Why did she do that?' Izuku thought. After they were all finished with the sparring Shoto grabbed Izuku by the arm and led him to a privet spot. "Midoriya what's the deal with you and Momo?" Shoto leaned against the wall. "N-Nothing it's not like we're dating." Izuku waving his hands. "Then why did she kiss you on the cheek Midoriya?" Shoto viciously said. "Listen Todoroki we're just friends." Izukus tone turned into a serious one.

"I bet you payed her just to do funny stuff with you"Shoto said. Izuku approached near the cold teen and grabbed him by the collar and lifted him up against the wall. "Look Shoto I don't know what your getting at but you better stay away from Momo got it!" Izuku walked away.

Izuku walked back home and went straight to training as he had plenty of time just to do that. His phone went off and he quickly picked it up and the text was from Momo.

Momo- Hey Izuku can you train me for some hand to hand combat I would really like your help.

Izuku- Yeah sure I'll send you my address then we can start training.

Izuku sent the address and waited for Momo to come.

Couple minutes later there was knock on the door. Izuku went to open it and sees Momo. "Hey Momo come in." Izuku opening the door. Momo came in the small house and puts her stuff down on the floor. "This is a nice place Izuku." Momo looking around. "Really? I thought you'd like your place more." Izuku said. "No it's mostly just me in the house and I can get really bored because it's so big." Momo said.

After training the two layed down in exhaustion. "Your really good Izuku." Momo gasping for air. "Your getting better." Izuku said. "Well I'm glad your my best friend." Momo elbowing Izuku. "Momo I need to tell you something." Izuku holds Momos hand. "Go ahead what do you need to tell me?" Momo asked.

"I like you." Izuku said. "I like you too now let's get back to training." Momo said. "No I'm trying to say I love you." Izuku grabbing tighter to her wrist. Momo looked up to the greenette and just stood there in shock. "I'm sorry I guess I was just being silly that's all." Izuku loosened the grip he had on Momo. Izuku turned around as he got his towel and wiped his sweat with it. "Izuku I feel the same." Momo surprisingly said.

"Y-You do?" Izuku stuttered. "Yes I do." Momo wrapping her arms around Izukus neck. "So what does this mean." Izuku questioned. Izuku kept talking and talking but Momos lips pressed against his. Izuku returned the kiss and they both started to make out. "Wait is your dad here?" Momo asked. "No he is staying at a friends house for a week because he had some business over there." Izuku said. Momo then pulled closer as there lips touched again.

Izuku picked up the onyx haired girl bridal style making her Yelp as they went into Izukus room.

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