
401 15 12

ENTRY: 5/7/2021



"Oh, we are so going to need a word with Primus when I figure out how to go into that strange place again..." Lightblade groaned, trying to sit up. A broad servo halted her from moving around. Looking up, she saw Optimus giving her a very disapproving look.

"Hey big guy...what's wrong?" Ioa said, giving him a weary smile. He said nothing, helping the femme medic to sit up before passing her a cube. She refused, not feeling the need to refuel.

She just needed to recharge after every battle, like a weapon. They need to cool down after use.

"Drink." Optimus ordered. Ioa stared up at her sparkmate, not liking his tone.

"Hey, what's with the tone?" she asked, glaring at the Prime. He vented loudly, not backing down his gaze onto the tired femme.

"You need to replenish your Energon." He said briskly.


"Excuse me?"

"I said stop it!" Ioa growled, slapping his servos away and stood up. Ratchet came by to help his oldest friend, but the look on Ioa's face made him regret his decision.

"What is going on?" Ioa demanded, glaring at the team surrounding her. They all averted their gaze to the floor, none daring to answer. They didn't have the guts to face Ioa or Optimus.

"Do not be angry at us, Ioa." Optimus spoke up, making the femme turn to look at him. She scoffed and crossed her arms in front of her, glaring at her sparkmate.

"Puh-lease! You're the one with the reprimanding tone!" she said.

"We have come to a hard decision, Ioa. You shall ...stay confined until further notice. While in confinement, you are forbidden to use your powers nor shall you be able to summon Shadowglyde. The decision is final." Optimus said, gaze hardening onto Ioa. The white and gold medic stood still for a moment, not believing her audials.

What. The. Frag.


"I'M THE LEADER AND THIS IS FINAL!" Optimus yelled, not liking to use his leadership as power, but he had no choice. Ioa might get herself offlined someday due to her recklessness!

Ioa closed her intake and forced her expression to be flat, but she knew her inner self was in an absolute mess. Giving them team a cold gaze, she finally spoke up, her voice unusually deep.

"Very well, Prime. Thou shall be damned to go against Thy words." She seethed; changing her paintjob into fully black and walked away.

She forcefully shut the connections within her spark with Optimus, not wanting him to feel the bonds. It's not fully disabled, but Ioa did her best to mute the feelings.

"Where do you think you're going?" Optimus chided, and Ioa snapped. The femme tried to be calm and gentle but the Prime had to push her yet again, didn't he?

Someone please hide the damn tools or Ioa is going to perform a surgery on the Prime; ALIVE.

"THE FUCK YOU WANT WITH ME, YOU BASTARD!?" Ioa roared, tackling the Prime. Optimus was taking in by surprise and crashed onto the berth. Ioa slammed his two servos by his helm, trapping the mech under her.

"Let go, Ioa!" He said, eliciting a loud growl from the femme.

"Shut up, Prime! You may be the damn leader of this team but being all high and mighty does not give you the damn right to hold me down!" she seethed, her audial fins twitching with anger. Ratchet and Bulkhead managed to pull her away with much effort, though the femme was still struggling.

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