
458 19 39

ENTRY: 18/6/2021

A/N: Lots of swearingggggggg

Location: Autobot's base (Past)


"So I know that this might sound crazy, but I believe that this...body does not belong to me, or rather, this body belongs to your world's Ioa." Ioa said. Everyone looked at her weirdly as they tried to comprehend her words.

Keyword: Tried.

"So ...you just got switched?" Miko asked suddenly. Bulkhead screeched in a girlish way. Everyone looked at him, optics wide.

"U-Uh... Miko! You're not supposed to be out here, or any of you!" Bulkhead said, diverting their questioning looks and eyeing his charge sternly. Miko shrugged and pointed her fingers at Ioa.

"But she's one of us, or at least, she's not bad." Miko said nonchalantly. Ioa chuckled lightly.

"I take it that your Miko is also a daredevil and a troublemaker too?" Ioa chortled. Miko smiled and ran towards her.

"How's my version like? Does she like Slash Monkeys? Does your Miko play the guitar? Oh, I bet she played it great, like me! What about Jack? Is he boring as ever and suck at gaming?!" Miko ranted to the femme medic.

"I do NOT suck at gaming!" Jack defended, crossing his arms. Ioa laughed lightly and stood up for Jack.

"He does not suck at gaming Miko, Jack loses to you because he's soft and wants you to win." Ioa said. Miko and Jack blushed at her words as Arcee, Bulkhead, Bumblebee and Raf laughed their asses off.

"Coming back to your question, my world's Miko is the same as you, I guess. She does love Slash Monkeys AND plays the guitar, like you." Ioa continued, amusement plastered on her faceplate as she described her Miko to the other Miko.

"SWEET!" Miko fist-pumped, forgetting her embarrassment in a flash. Ioa nodded before going back to her plan.

"Right, where was I? I believe maybe I can reverse this effect; I just need to time it right. Before I go, I would like to-" Ioa paused and pulled the team for a hug before releasing them and activated her holoforms, hugging the kids.

"I'm going to miss you guys even though I've just met y'all!" Ioa said, smile on her face. The team gave her a soft smile, genuinely liking this femme a million times better than their version.

Scratching her faceplate, Ioa chuckled dryly as she continued.

"On a side note, I apologise for this realm Ioa's actions." Ioa said, shuffling her peds on the floor. Optimus sets a servo on her shoulder and gave her a firm nod.

"Don't be sorry, we too would like to thank you for showing us a glimpse of our would-be future. I'm...glad we are all happy, fighting the war or not; it's nice to know that our family are well and together." Optimus said, earning a smile from Ioa.

"You're welcome, and I hope I didn't mess up any timeline or I'm so screwed by the higher deity or whatever. Anyhow, perhaps when in the future where I'm more in tune with my powers, I'll probably drop by and visit." Ioa said, giving the team a salute.

"We will always welcome you, young one." he said, earning a laugh from the femme.

"I can now officially claim that the term 'young one' is what all Optimus use to address me." Ioa said in amusement as she sends a smile to the leader. Clapping her servos together, Ioa prepared herself to leave this realm.

"Alright, time to go. Take care everyone. Till all are one." Ioa said and waved at them.

"Till all are one." the team replied.

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