"I can only imagine I bet she'll look just her mother" Harry praised

"I have a picture, would you like to see?" Zayn pull out his phone

"Yeah! please" Harry said eagerly a small smile forming on his face

Alexis couldn't help but be bitter she glared at Harry he was more than fucking happy that his friend had a baby but even the idea that he might be having one was enough to make him recoil from Alexis in revulsion

she leaned in to see Zayn's Baby as well and she was precious

Alexis cooed softly Harry looked back at Alexis his smile fell he sat back in his chair "tell Gigi I wish her the best and to expect something from me soon" Harry still sounded cheerful even though he was no longer smiling

Niall noticed this exchange and he paired that with the fact Harry wasn't gushing about her to Zayn, groping, and kissing all over her he knew something was wrong

"Babe?" Niall asked Alexis looked at him "come with me for a sec" he nodded his head toward the door

Harry heard and grabbed her hand as she stood to follow "where are you going?" He asked looking at Niall

"I just wanna ask her about a gift I might get for Jennifer" Harry begrudgingly let her go and Niall led her toward the bathrooms

Harry watched them from his peripheral while he tried to pay attention to what Zayn was telling him

Niall leaned on the wall "what's wrong?"

Alexis frowned "what?" He didn't answer "What about the thing for Jennifer?" She tried to get back on topic

"That was a lie, why are you and Harry looking like you're ready to attack each other"

She rolled her jaw crossing her arms "I'm just mad him"

"Why? what has he done?" Niall pressed

She bit her lip "I-I... I think I'm pregnant"

Niall went wide eyed "what really?"

She nodded she gasped as he pulled her into a tight hug making her smile she wiggled her arms free to wrap them around him "that's amazing congrats babe" he squeezed her he pulled away holding her arms

"I'm not sure though I still have to go to the doctor" she clarified

"Still very exciting innit?" He chuckled rubbing her arms "so what's wrong with him? He's pissy and brooding at the thought that he might be a dad now and he's got to wait to find out mm?" Niall smirked knowing he was probably hitting the nail on the head

"No" she shook her head she frowned deeply "he's upset, he got mad at me when I told him"

He frowned "what?"

She nodded "yeah and I'm just-" she closed her eyes trying to avoid the angry tears she felt starting to prick her eyes "I'm so pissed because Zayn has a baby and you saw how excited he got but... he is treating me different" she opened her eyes

He shook his head "different how?"

"H-he isn't touching me or kissing me or anything"

Niall looked toward Harry then back down at the woman in his arms who was looking up at him oh so sadly "do I have to go kick his ass?"

She was surprised at his answer "n-no! you don't" she shrugged "I just hope he'll calm down once we have the answer"

Niall rolled his jaw "right... do you want me to talk to him?"

"No it's okay... we haven't talked about it"

"When did you tell him?"

"Uh 2 days ago"

"And he hasn't said anything about the baby since? Hasn't apologized? Hasn't explained himself? Nothing?" Niall growled getting more and more upset by his friend's behavior toward the woman in his life

"No" Alexis answered realizing he was only getting more worked up

Niall nodded rubbing her arms again "when do you go to the doctor?"

"6 days from now... that was the soonest I could get in"

"Okay" he sighed softly knowing it probably wasn't going to get any better for her till then "let me know when you find out please"

She nodded smiling sweetly "of course Ni"

They walked back to the table and Harry looked Niall debating on asking him why he felt the need to touch Alexis the whole time they talked but he just settled for putting his hand on Alexis's lap

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