Tales from the Fade (Lost Memory #3)

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From the Void to the Abyss of the Fade I call to thee...

Come forth...

Come forth...

Come forth...and I shall tell you the tale of such a Fade. I shall tell you the tale...of Lord Tsozu.

Over 16000 years ago, a rogue sect of the Chiss discovered a cave of mystic arts and added these mystic abilites to their already gifted anatomy to lay mayhem on non-native tribes that sought refuge on the Chiss home planet Csilla

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Over 16000 years ago, a rogue sect of the Chiss discovered a cave of mystic arts and added these mystic abilites to their already gifted anatomy to lay mayhem on non-native tribes that sought refuge on the Chiss home planet Csilla.

The leader of these sect was venerated warlord and sorcerer Qlodu. For decades Qlodu and his daughter Tsaza wreaked havok on countless clans and tribes. However the one thing Qlodu always searched for was the thing he couldn't find (even with the Chiss' Third sight)....immortality.

His fears only grew when he saw visions of his daughter ending him despite how much she worshipped him.  His fears ate away at him until Qlodu lost focused in battle and caused his group to be beaten in battle and destroyed in an ice storm soon after.

Wanting to save her father from his psychological torture, Tsaza planned to kill him in his "sleep"....however Qlodu killed her consciousness by transferring his life force onto his daughter and taking over her body....

Thinking he had cheated his fate and death...Qlodu was unaware his visions were sent by the Mother who marveled at his desperation but still casted him into the Fade. The vastness of the Fade's mysteries nearly killed Qlodu with euphoria...but the Mother had plans for this devout sorcerer. Though Qlodu and his daughter Tsaza did die that day....he resurrected as Lord Tsozu still in his daughter's body as a testament of his greatest victory.

No soul or body is safe from the always-seeking, ever-reaching grasp of Lord Tsozu.



Sleep...and we shall return.

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