Race - Jc

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Yo!!! 😊😊😊

Its been a while again. 😅 

Okay. So this was a Yizhan plot but I just edit it Jeongcheol . oops. 😂  I'm still a mess on what happened to Cheol. 

Anyways. Here you go... Bear with the error.


Korea Road Racing Championship was one of the biggest motorcycles race held yearly. It was been on the news for a couple of months, from the racers' preparation like practices and the Circuit itself. And one of the reasons why it was been the talk of the town was when Choi Seungcheol confirmed to be joining this year's race. 

Like of course who would not be excited to finally see the hot and successful businessman ride his motorcycle. The young tycoon was famous not only for his profession but also to his good look earning himself fans like an actual celebrity. So yes, everyone would pay to be at the event to personally watch him  finally race again after taking a break of 2 years.

"I now hate my work" a man complained, making the other man on screen chuckle. 

"No. You don't." The young businessman replied, smiling at his cute lover. 

"But I wanna be there! I really wanna cheer for you personally ." The man insisted, still pouting.

"Awww my baby. It's fine. You'll be home the day after tomorrow anyways then we'll celebrate, win or lose. Also your fans will lose their shit if they see the Nation's Angel yelling his heart's out on my race. Finish your shoot and come home yeah?" Seungcheol encouraged smiling fondly, the sight only reserved for his lover.

"Pffft. Cmon, you love the attention my fans giving you. Humbleness doesn't suit you" Jeonghan retorted, rolling his eyes, making the other smirked. 

"Okay time to go. Now say your goodbyes. the director is now calling you for your next scene." The voice came from behind  that made Jeonghan sighed.

"I'll go now before Mingyu starts nagging me. You know how annoying he is" Jeonghan shifted the camera now with worried and soft eyes  " and you mister, please be careful" 

"I will. See you.. Bye my love. I love you" Seungcheol reassured his lover.

"I love you too Cheollie. See you"


•Jeonghan's Pov•

I just finished a scene and now having a water break. I took the chance to watch Cheol's race and because the director and the staff are looking forward to the race, the director himself called a short break for everyone to watch.

So we all settled on a room where the large screen was placed on the wall, the race was currently on broadcast. All eyes focused on the screen as I was holding my breath the whole time. I've already watched him race before. His last competition or when he and his friends decided to have a friendly race and every time its nerve wracking. 

It was going smoothly, until something happened. 

It was on the last lap when Seungcheol's motorcycle stumbled when the other racer tried to drive past him resulting to Cheol losing his balance and went rolling on the ground a couple times. I was staring at the screen with wide eyes with shallow breathing. Cheol still managed to stand up and tried to start his bike but to no avail making him visibly frustrated. He tried a couple more times but still failed he walked back to the booth angrily and limping.

"Cheollie" I quietly mumbled and the tears on my eyes were building rapidly. I was scared, upset and worried at the same time.

"Breathe Han" I heard my assistant/ manager Seungkwan whisper, made me realized my uneven breathing. He held my hand and kept rubbing my back to calm me. He knows how to handle me when I have these kinds of episode.

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