Chapter 4

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Karmen's P.O.V.

I woke up with the sun beaming down on my face, I layed there for a second before it clicked, I wasn't home. My back pressed up against something hard and there was a man's arm around my waist, holding me close. Within a flash everything from last night came flooding back.

I quickly struggled to get out of his grasp. When he started to stir and rolled over, I let out a sign of relief before getting up. I looked around the room trying to find my phone, before it hit me that it was probably in the living room.

I left his room with him still sleeping soundly in his bed and headed towards the living room. I found my clothes and purse from the previous night and started heading towards the Elevator. Before leaving, I left a note on the table with my name and number just in case, and pulled out my phone to call Cami.

Immediately after getting into Camilla's car, she made me fill her in on every last detail from the night before.


2 Months Later.

I woke up this morning to someone knoc- no, banging on my front door. Drowsily I stand up and start making my way into the front room. When I open my door I'm met face to face with a pissed off Camilla. "What the hell took you so long, I've been out here for 10 minutes" before I had the chance to snap at her for waking me up, I ran to the bathroom with the feeling of last night's dinner coming up my throat.

I felt my hair being pulled behind my head. "God, girl are you okay?" I sat up wiping my mouth, "I think I've got a stomach bug or something, I haven't been able to keep anything down for the past week." She put her hand to my forehead checking for what I assume is a fever. "I don't know, you don't feel warm." Suddenly her eyes widened with a worried look like I just told her I killed her cat.

"Karmen. When was your last period?" I looked at her confused for a moment before I quickly realized what she was implying "I don't know, they're always irregular." I said starting to panic, "I can't be pregnant, we used a condom!" I spoke in disbelief. "How many times have I told you to get yourself some birth control? Condoms are only 98% effective!" She looked at me worried "Okay, you wait here, brush your teeth, eat something, I don't know. I'm gonna head to the drug store and get a test." Tears started to build in my eyes at her words.

She gave me a quick hug before turning around to leave. I heard the door open but before it closed I heard her yell "I'll be back in 15 minutes, try not to panic." And with that she closed the door and left.

True to her word, Cami came back 15 minutes later. She came into my room and handed me a glass of water and told me to drink. After chugging the whole glass she handed me 10 different boxes "Take all of them just to be sure"

After doing my business and taking all the tests, I lined them up on the sink before leaving the bathroom. "The tests take 3 minutes to develop." "Okay well that means we have 3 minutes for you to freak out. Go."

Immediately after she spoke the dam broke and my sobs were let loose. "I don't know what I'm going to do Cami. I can't be a mom. I work at a diner. I couldn't even afford to put myself through school. How can I take care of a child? Not to mention there's only one person who could be the father and I don't even know his name. Shit, he doesn't even live here. God, what if it hates me, I mean even my own brother left me." I spoke pacing around the room "Okay times up." My mind was telling me to go look but my feet froze. "I can't. You do it." She quickly made her way into the bathroom where I heard her gasp. She peeked her head out of the door frame and said "congratulations?"

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