FunFred Headcanons/Scenarios!!

Start from the beginning

~Molten Freddy~
How did you meet?
You were running your uncle's local pizzeria while he was out of town. After showing you the ropes, you'd think you've got it covered. But you didn't expect a broken up animatronic to show up in the back alley. So, you salvaged it. But you lost it. The "it" could move, and the "it" was Molten, and on your second night taking night shift as well, Molten managed to kidnap you and take you to a hidden room connected to the ventilation system.
Yandere as heck. Molten is yandere as heck over you. He never lets you leave the room and while he's gone, your foot is somehow chained to the floor. If you ever did try to escape, Molten would easily catch you, since he's far faster in the vents than you. If anyone tried looking for you, Molten would hear them and no, he is not afraid to get blood on his hands for you.
Expressing love?
Molten only leaves you when he goes to hunt the next night guard, survey the pizzeria, or get you food and water. The rest of those times he's with you, either committing the fluffle cuddles or hurting you. Not too much to kill you, though. Because of this, you were honestly fine with the cuddles. That was what you'd always ask for first when you were with Molten, so he'd hopefully go with that and either cut out hurting you that day or postpone it like it's some kind of calendar chore. At least it wasn't at the very moment he got back to see you. But not every time he'd agree with your suggestion. And no, he never caught onto how you were avoiding getting your wounds.
Who makes the first move?
It's always Molten, unless it's one of those times when you ask if you could take a nap with him or cuddle-to avoid him harming you. Other than that, things like kissing and-very!-light smut are very much against your will.
You two are alone in a room. What do you do?
You're always alone in a room.
If you were hanging out with another guy?
Molten definitely wouldn't allow it. Wouldn't even let you go outside, let alone talk to someone! But if he did see you talking to a guy, he wouldn't hesitate to jump down out of nowhere and choke him. Not in front of the entire pizzeria, of course. More like. The next time he walks into a room alone. With or without you watching, Molten does end up killing him in the end.
When you get scared?
You're almost always scared of Molten, and he finds it just amazing and strangely...attractive? He practically craves it when you're scared or in pain (yeesh he must get pretty flustered during final exams am I right), especially when you're scared of him. Which is again, almost always. The guy's nuts I tell ya.

~The Fourth Closet~
How did you meet?
You were in Charlie's group of friends running through the mirror maze from Funtime Freddy. You all split up to find a way out and you ended up getting separated from the others. Funtime Freddy finds you but takes you back to a hidden room as his personal "trophy".
You absolutely hated the guy, but sometimes your bickering could be seen as a sibling relationship. He does keep you in the room just like Molten, but he's not that crazy about you. By now, you really could have found a way out, and Freddy knows that, but you stay because one-your friends think you're dead, two-because you've actually come to like Funtime Freddy, and well there's the whole "if you leave you die" sort of thing.
Expressing love?
Freddy usually tries to act all proud, especially around the other animatronics, but if you give him a quick peck on the cheek he will melt. When Freddy does express love, it's usually nuzzling his face up to yours. Thinks your really soft.
Who makes the first move?
It would usually be you to make the first move, honestly. That bear isn't laying a finger on you unless he is absolutely sure that you two are alone. Then he'd be the first to nuzzle your nose or whatever he feels like at the moment.
You two are alone in a room. What do you do?
Say you two were in this said room to hide out. Freddy would probably make himself far away from you as possible. Again, you're hiding, so there's always a chance of getting caught off guard.
If you were hanging out with another guy?
Freddy would stare the guy down to the ground if he saw someone flirting with you. Again, he doesn't like making his feelings obvious so he wouldn't just match right up to the guy. He'd just give him the cold shoulder, and as soon as you were back with Freddy he'd tell you to stay away from the guy like the dad that Funtime Freddy is.
When you get scared?
It depends, really. You're kinda nervous? "Ehh, just deal with it. You'll be fine." You're afraid someone or something will come get you? "I'll be here to kill anything that comes our way." Or maybe you're afraid of something more mental, or personal? *hugs you close* "Don't worry, I'll be here." If you were all out terrified? Maybe your final exam? FunFred will pull you into a hug, audience or not, and comb your hair whispering reassuring things.

~Night Terrors~
How did you meet?
Similar to Count the Ways Freddy, Funtime Freddy ended up in your house. Except you live
alone. You started hearing the bear at night, rattling the door. He wouldn't leave you alone for hours at a time. That was, until you finally let him in~
No, you didn't let him in, he broke the door down. But then he helped you fix it. Now you're buds!
You're really bashful, Freddy's the more flirty type, and BonBon's kinda sick of it so she just stays out of the whole mix. Bonnet is in this too cause of Night Terrors and she thinks it's cute, but doesn't want to interfere so she goes with BlueBon. (Heyy PinkBon and BlueBon :D)
Expressing love?
Freddy absolutely adores pet names. He'll usually just randomly enter the room and call you "gorgeous", "sweet pea", "sweetheart", "cupcake", the whole mix. He's not that much into the touchy feely stuff, but he does like to relax on your bed with you in his lap and smell your hair. Not the creepy kind of way, he just likes your scent...yeah.
Who makes the first move?
Funtime Freddy is usually the one to make a move on you. He likes to give you compliments and thinks it's really cute when you blush.
You two are alone in a room. What do you do?
Ever since the one night you discovered Freddy could move, he's been coming up to your room every night. And you live alone, so you're always in a room together. But if BonBon locked the door or something, then Freddy would plop you onto his lap and get comfortable.
If you were hanging out with another guy?
Let's say you had a guy over for dinner. Freddy wouldn't be too angry about it, but he would be kinda pissed off. So he'd do what any animatronic does-act all creepy. And he ends up scaring the guy away. Of course, you could just leave the house to see him, so FunFred always wants confirmation that you're not going to leave him behind.
When you get scared?
When you're scared? Boi, this is his time to shine! No matter where you are in the house, day or night, if you're scared, Freddy will scoop you up and bring you into your room. Sitting down in the blankets in a comfortable position and talking about what scared you.

WWHHOOO!! This thing could be a chapter alone!
Thanks for sticking by around if you read through the whole thing. And just FYI this is really how I picture the different versions of FunFred.
And I had this funny little scenario where all of them came together as a little group.

SL FunFred-the original/leader
CTW FunFred-the know it all
Molten FunFred-the mute psycho (no he literally only speaks through static it's a thing now)
TFC FunFred-no emotion, unmovable
Terrors FunFred-more outgoing

So yep that's all have a nice day!

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