Chapter 31-Attached

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You were emotionless.
You had no idea what and how to feel.
Freddy would be gone by the end of the month, but how did you feel? You had to admit you weren't always very comfortable around him-like no duh-but he was also a nice friend times other than that. So it was like losing a friend. Or an enemy? No. A frenemy? You didn't know. You've questioned yourself about how you felt about Freddy so many times before. You kept saying to yourself what he said to you, that he was just a big teddy bear who needed a friend. But that wasn't true, now was it?
He didn't seem like an innocent teddy bear when you first met him, though. No duh-
He seemed clingy and possessive for the first few days and some very questionable things happened then. That was two months ago. He's changed since then and even though he's still pretty clingy, Freddy's been pretty respectful and gentle to your boundaries lately and you haven't had any problems keeping him under control.
So what if he improved, did you care? Maybe. Yeah, you two were friends, but did you like him in that way? You had no idea. Or maybe you just didn't want to admit it to yourself.
It was strange to think you'd like an animatronic, but first maybe you did like him and second this mascot has their own consciousness, so maybe it wasn't as weird? The one thing you found really confusing was that he had no intended or unintended age, so another reason to feel insecure with yourself. But his age didn't answer the question.
You were starting to get off track.
How did you feel about him leaving?
Y/N walked down the hall and saw Freddy and Cody laughing playing a board game on the ground. Yeah, you were going to miss him. Maybe Cody was, too. Those two have been the most chaotic duo but they were hilarious and really fun to keep up with in their activities.
It was mid summer break, by the way. So if Freddy did end up staying, you'd have some time to hang out before school started up again.
"Hey, cupcake! What's on your mind? Wanna play?" Freddy called. You snapped out of your daze and blinked a couple times.
"Uhh, y-yeah! Sure!" You stuttered. You slumped onto the floor next to Freddy and Cody and grabbed a few cards from the deck. While Cody went, Freddy put one arm around you and leaned a bit against you. See, it was moments like that when you started to have questions and feel a bit nervous.
You tried to distance from him in the past, but Freddy never listens. Anyone could tell he really likes any physical contact, especially hugs. You drew a card from the center deck and moved your action figure across the board three spaces. Y/N leaned back onto Freddy a bit. Once you got used to his touch and were more comfortable, the scenario wasn't as unnerving.
Okay, so you'd miss the guy. Cody would, too. You didn't know how things would end up with him gone. It was probably for the better, though. You just wanted to know how you'd tell him he'd be leaving....
I should do it soon. Goodness knows what Freddy will do if he finds out the day of or before. You know what, I'll do it tonight. Just to get this whole thing over with.

Y/N slunk out of her bed. The familiar snores of her family echoed through the hall. You took that as a cue to make your way into the living room. You stepped down the stairway, one creak at a time, until you reached the bottom and quickly shut the door behind you. You didn't want to take any risks with your parents finding you up.
"C-cupcake? What ar-are you doing here?" Freddy stammered. You snapped behind you to face the bear. He was in his same old position sitting down on the box positioned in the middle of the room. He stood up. "Is something wrong? What happened? Why are you down here?"
You waved your arms at Freddy for him to calm down. "Okay, okay, calm down. I have something to tell you.." you spaced off. Should you tell him right here and now? When he's stuttering and jumpy? No. " know what, I'll tell you later. How about a nice big bear hug?"
This should help. Freddy loves hugs!
His face lit up and he lifted you up off the ground. "Of course! Why didn't you just say so!" He brought you down to his level and gave you a nice big squeeze while rocking back and forth with you. You could practically feel the excitement radiating off of him.
After a moment or two, he put you down.
"So, what seems to be the problem, Y/N?" You froze. Right. How to tell him....
You took in a deep breath. "So, my dad had some news for me and Cody. Fazbear Entertainment called." Freddy's face began to drop from his cheery aroma. "And they saw we have you in good condition." Funtime Freddy started to shake his head, worry creasing over his head. "...and they're building a new Sister Loction....I think you know where this is headed." Funtime Freddy backed away from you a bit before huffing. A small giggle escaped his throat.
"Heh. Haha. HAHA! No. W-We CAN'T be reopening! I was SCRAPPED! LEFT TO ROT!" His hysterical denial turned to anger. "THEY TOOK ME FROM MY FRIENDS, SHUNNED ME AWAY, AND NOW THEY'RE TAKING ME FROM MY NEW FRIENDS!!" He looked up at you, huffing and puffing. You had backed away from him, afraid he might take this out on you.
You were taken back, though, when he slowly broke into sobs and knelt down.
You sat down in front of him and gave him a warm hug, patting his back a bit.
"I-I'm sorry. I didn't want you to freak out, but I also didn't want you to find out the day of or the day before or something."
Freddy hugged you back. "It isn't your fault. They were so cruel to us in the pizzeria. We were given our free will, but we were never able to use it." Your eyes widened a little bit. What could his past life had been like?
"When I was scrapped, the world caved in around me. I was finally free, but there was still nowhere to go. There was nothing left for me. I belonged nowhere."
Y/N rubbed her hand around Freddy's back one more time, pat him a couple times and pulled away. "You know what? We have pretty much until the end of the month before you go. So I'll talk to my dad about how long we'd have, maybe consider keeping you around, and if it doesn't fall through we'll just make the best of it. Okay?"
Freddy nodded silently and you hugged him again to be met with a tight embrace. You felt pretty bad now. You wondered how he'd do back at his pizzeria. But that didn't matter much at the moment. You just wanted Freddy to be happy.

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