Happy Valentines Day!

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Here's a one shot with Lefty that was supposed to come out on Valentines Day but I never got back to finishing it :/

You and Lefty had been in this...relationship....? For a little while now. It'd been two months and you're just finally starting to get Lefty out of his shell. It was as if once he'd admitted to liking you, he'd went right back into it. And perhaps, a little deeper in than before. It was an entertaining and sometimes frustrating journey, prying the real Lefty out, but a journey nonetheless. And you were enjoying it so far.
As for your own feelings about Lefty, it was a little confusing. You liked the guy, and you thought of him a lot, but. Then there was the whole thing about liking an animatronic, which you were trying to get over. It was a lot harder than you thought. It was easy to forget when Lefty was just talking to you, because he was so human, but once you snapped back to reality it was just weird. And almost disturbing on occasions.
You held onto Lefty because letting go would mean, one--he'd be really hurt for a while, two--he'd close up even more in his shell and possibly never talk to you again, and three--you were still debating whether you liked him back.
That was what went on in your head, and that was what made the "but he's an animatronic" thing a thing in the first place. In all honesty, you only ever had a crush once, in like middle school. You couldn't distinguish any out of the ordinary feelings for the guy at the moment, so you might as well take your time with processing this stuff.

Lefty, on the other hand, was a total mess. He'd never expected the reaction you gave him. Heck, he didn't think you wouldn't agree to even be in this relationship. It made him question so many things. Was this some kind of act on pity? Were you just playing with him? Trying to make a fool out of him? Did you even want to be around him?
Or would you leave him the first chance you got?
"Oh, stop with all this nonsense," Charlie spoke out. "Of course she likes you! I've seen enough to know this for fact." The child reassured the bear.
"Really?" Lefty replied skeptically. "You, a literal 8-year-old child? I mean, no offense, but I'm kinda starting to doubt these predictions of yours."
"Well, don't, then! Go ahead, go ahead and believe that Y/N hates your guts."
"I didn't say that."
"You kind of did, though," Charlie continued. "Agreeing to this only to humiliate you? To make fun of you? That's just cruel. And you've been going at this for a couple months now."
"But what if she gets tired of me?" Lefty pressed his hands up on his head.
"I literally want to slap you," Charlie's voice deadpanned. "Look, believe it or not, you're doing better now than at the beginning of this whole thing. And I'm very sure Y/N has noticed, too, and she's realizing that after all that time, it'll be worth it to finally get you to talk to her without jerking anxiously every time she says something."
"I do that?" Lefty asked self consciously.
"Yes," Puppet answered. "Yes, you do."

You awoke to a bright morning in your apartment bedroom. The sun was so bright it had managed to pry your eyes open at 6 am. Perfect. Just perfect. You rolled your tired eyes and threw your legs over the side of your bed.
With a little fixing up, you were ready to hit the road for your dayshift. You finally took out your phone, which was hooked onto your headphones (choose either headphones or earbuds either one) already. You hadn't needed to open your phone yet that day, so this was a first. And then you paused. It was Valentines Day. Crap.
You slowed the speed you walked to the pizzeria in hopes to stall your time of arrival. Hmmm...should I get Lefty a valentines gift? I mean, we're basically a..thing...whether I like it or not. So I have to treat him like it, right? Or does it only apply to people? Well, he's human-like enough? No. Yes? Would he even know about Valentines Day? And what couples usually do on the day? Your mind babbled back and forth on your way to the pizzeria.

Lefty escaped the hellish argument with Charlie with a bang. No, a literal bang. The banging of pots and pans in the kitchen. Lefty's eye had snapped open, his entire body shook out. The sudden noise was quickly apologized for by the distant voices of Happy Frog and Rockstar Chica. Lefty didn't usually refer to her as "Rockstar" Chica, but on account of there being a Rockstar and a Funtime Chica in the establishment, Lefty stuck with both names not to get confused.
All matters aside, Lefty was online. He was awake. And so was Charlie, but she was always awake. When Lefty wasn't, she was. He wondered what trouble she'd gotten into the previous night, but then he opened his stage curtain and had to do a double over of what he was seeing.
There were heart decorations everywhere. Hearts hung all along the walls, on the party tables, and were scattered all over the floor. There were red, pink and white balloons as opposed to the usual other vibrant colors. Little printed images of a winged baby with a bow and arrow were hanging from the ceiling alongside the hearts. It was so strange, Charlie had to be behind this.
But before Lefty could ask, she spoke up for him. "Oh, my gosh, it's Valentines Day!!" She exclaimed.
"Shhh," Lefty shushed the child inside of him. "What's up with this room?" He took a step outside and peered around the corner. "All the rooms??" Lefty could see decorations in almost every room visible.
"It's Valentines Day, doofus. How many times do I have to spell it out for you?"
"Multiple. I feel like sometimes you forget I'm a robot and I don't know these human customs."
"Well, you should know this one," Charlie muttered. "So. Valentines Day is mostly for couples to say all that sappy 'I love you', 'no I love yooooouuuu', all that crap."
"Ohhh.." Lefty trailed off.
"Yeah. Which means we're gonna have to find a Valentines Day gift for your girl!!"
It was just past 4 am. The hallways were completely empty, the only one awake had to be the security guard. Lefty

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