Egypt's Maid

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You walked beside Egypt, a medium sized pot in your arms while he was towing a cart of them.

"Well we didn't sell much today sir Egypt." You sighed.

"It's alright ____." He replied, looking ahead. "We will try again tomorrow."

"Of course sir." You nodded.

He stopped his cart beside a door, stretching his arms you both entered the small home to relax.

Egypt sighed with exhaustion, dragging his keffiyeh off he revealed his short brown hair.

He soon took a seat at his small kitchen table, rubbing his tanned neck. "Maybe we should find tourists to sell to."

Stopping behind his chair you placed your hands on his shoulders rubbing them soothingly. "Seems like a good idea sir."

He gazed to you, mossy green eyes seeming thankful.

You smiled shyly in return, working for this man could prove to have more manual labor. However, you enjoyed his company. And he enjoyed yours.

Hetalia Maids/Butlers - Drabble SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now