Romania's Maid

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Looking to the dark you took in a breath, it was late. Very late, but you had forgotten to water the flowers that day.

Taking in courage you tied your apron on and hurried.

Turning the water hose on you walked along the garden, sprouting the liquid about the plant life.

All was silent until: "Hey ___."

Jumping in surprise you spun around, your boss stood there. A smile plastered to his face as water dripped from his coat. Even his tiny hat seemed to droop

"Sir Romania! I'm so sorry!" You cried.

"No." He laughed lightly, "Should huv giveen you a better warning. Now com, Lets go eenside and warm up by thee fire."

Taking your hand he lead you inside, sharing his stories of magic and folklore.

He somehow seems convinced that you are a reincarnation of Ileana Cosânzeana, so while cleaning you often find his red eyes on you with fangs bearing a silly grin


Note: for those unfamiliar with this character and only think him up through fan pics, ect. His character is actually quite cheerful so don't be misled by fan stuff. Also, I wrote the accent in like that because that's how you would pronounce it with a Romanian accent.

Reason I know how it'll sound: Have a Romanian friend, she was adopted strait from there and has never out grown it. So I had her talk for me :3

Hetalia Maids/Butlers - Drabble SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now