Lithuania's Maid

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Cleaning your boss's house is fairly easy.

He himself was quite the neat freak and even at time helped.

Leading you to wonder why he needed a maid in the first place.

"____" he called from the common room. "Come look."

Rushing over you noticed him by the window.

"Yes sir Lithuania?"

"Don't you like vhen it's cloudy?" He smiled, blue eyes landing on you with infectious good nature.

Looking at the clouds yourself you managed a smile.

A you turned to leave he reached out, holding you in place by a gentle touch of your shoulder

"Vhere are you headed____?" Lithuania blinked.

"I was going to try sweeping the kitchen."

With a smile he laughed, "Oh, no need. I've already done that."

Frowning slightly "Sir Lithuania.... why did you hire me?"

He seemed take back by your question. With a short silence he again shared a smile. "Vell I get lonely, it's nice having you here to spend time with."

That smile reflected your own as you stayed to just watch out the window, you never questioned in again after that.

Hetalia Maids/Butlers - Drabble Seriesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن