Hawaii, the Maid of Japan

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Japan loved his home and the idea of having a maid.
Yet everyday he leaves her behind he worries.
Hawaii isn't like other maids, yes she's smart and efficient.
The fact that she's blind though, now that worried him.
"Hawaii." Japan called upon entering his house, standing a few fallen items back into place.
"Sir Japan?" a soft voice questioned.
Looking for it's source he found her standing beside a book shelf, not necessarily looking at them. But facing them
"Hawaii, how's the cleaning?" He asked, taking her hand. Now directing her away from the shelf.
"It's good." She nodded, long bangs swaying with each blank step. "I cleaned the kitchen."
"That's good." He replied. "Lets go look at it"
Upon arriving at the kitchen she felt along the stove for a kettle. "Would you like tea?" Japan quickly took the kettle before she could find it. "I'm..." she blushed. "I can't find it."
"It's alright you did a good job in here" she actually missed a few dishes which made him smile. "perhaps we should go for a walk. You need fresh air." Japan stated, putting the kettle back carefull to not make noise.
Looking back to her his dull brown eyes met pale colorless ones, her long bangs had a significant length compared to the rest of her hair. But it fit her delicate features perfectly.
With a shy smile she nodded at the Japanese man, he took her small hand and led her out.
Hawaii is the only one Japan will hold the hand of, he's just as quiet and shy as her.
Being with this woman gives him peace of mind and happiness he shows few.

Hetalia Maids/Butlers - Drabble SeriesKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat