Chapter 7: Like in the Movies

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"How did it go?" Luo Binghe asked when Shen Yuan came home.

"They said they don't know anything." Shen Yuan flopped on the sofa, forever exhausted. "They believed me and didn't call the police, but it was useless."

Luo Binghe sat beside him and frowned, eyebrows furrowing.

"But don't worry! There's still hope!" Shen Yuan immediately added. "I can research about the shooting star thing, go into the Dark Web for leads or call out shamans and stuff. I'll try everything, Luo Binghe, I'm not giving up."

"I know." Luo Binghe curtly replied. "Your name is... Shen Yuan, right? I saw from the 'phone' device."

"Oh, yeah! I haven't formally introduced myself!" Shen Yuan sat back up properly and adjusted his glasses. "My name is Shen Yuan, 26 years old, I was born into an upperclass family and have no job or dream whatsoever! Nice to meet you, Luo Binghe!" He offered his hand for a shake.

Shen Yuan's brain is fried from all the tiredness that he didn't realize Luo Binghe wouldn't get his sarcastic humour.

"But we have already met." Luo Binghe frowned. "What is that hand for?"

"Oh, you take it and shake it to greet someone you've just met. It's called a handshake. Here." Shen Yuan demonstrated.

It was the most awkward handshake he ever had. Luo Binghe's hand was bigger than his, and heavier too. His grip was strong but he had no initiative to move, it felt like shaking hands with a heavy 1000 pages book.

"T-There you go..." Shen Yuan took his hand back, trying not to say 'ow'. "So, have you eaten dinner already?"

"Yes. Another man came to the door and brought bags of food." Luo Binghe said. "I do not like him."

"Haha, You didn't scare him to death, did you?"

"He did not die. But he did ran away and jump over the gate after handing the food to me before I can give him the money." Luo Binghe handed back the paper bills to Shen Yuan. "Your currency is really strange, how can these pieces of paper value so much?"

Geesh, I really pity that delivery man. Wish I could pay him back. Shen Yuan thought.

"Anything else that happened today that you want to tell me?"

Luo Binghe shook his head, and that was that. There was nothing else. They just sat there.

A very long awkward pause.

Another very very long awkward pause.

Shen Yuan scratched his head. They can't just sit there in the sofa 5 feet apart and not saying anything until bedtime! He had to think of something.

"Hey, um... Do you want to see something cool?" Shen Yuan asked.

"What is 'cool'?" Luo Binghe asked.

Shen Yuan said. "Something amazing, I guess."

"I doubt this world can amaze me that much." Luo Binghe said.

"True, there's no magic here." Shen Yuan agreed, then gave a mischievous smile. "Or so you think."

He stood up, attached the TV cord on the plug. Luo Binghe was watching him carefully as he bent down. His back was facing him directly, and so when Shen Yuan bent down... He had a full view.

Luo Binghe looked away. No, he does not have impure thoughts, he was grieving for his Shizun's death! It's just impolite to stare.

The TV screen lit up, and that caught his attention. It started up at Channel 1, showing the latest news as the weather man forecasted the beginning of stormy season. Shen Yuan jumped back to the sofa, and smiled at Luo Binghe. "What do you think?"

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