Chapter 12: You're Hired!

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"Let me take you first to the clinic!" The drunk man pointed to a small red building at the side, taking another swig and dragging his donkey along.

"Do you really own that donkey?" Shen Yuan asked.

"Yes. Little Apple and I go way back." The man said, his arms on the back of his head strolling casually. "Though sometimes when he's being such an ass I don't pay attention to him anymore and focus on the rabbits."

"Oh, look, were here at the Wen clinic. Let's go inside!" He immediately got distracted and changed topic.

Donkeys? Rabbits? Is he a livestock breeder or something? In the middle of the fucking city? Is he a lunatic?

"Hello, Wen Qing!" He greeted the lady who is busily marking papers by the front desk.

"If you have come to visit my brother again, he's unavailable." She replied without looking up. "He's practicing for the national archery competition."

"Oh, I'm not here for Wen Ning! But wow, nationals? I knew he'd go far even without the support of fucking Wen dogs. Send him my congrats!" The man said. "I'm actually here to introduce you to this young gentleman... Uh, what's your name?"

"Luo Tianzhu." Luo Binghe meekly brought up his papers.

"Nice to meet you, but what is this for?" Wen Qing asked.

"He's applying for a job!" The man clapped Luo Binghe's shoulder.

"Wei... I mean, Mo Xuanyu." Wen Qing stared at him tersely. "You do know that to work in a clinic, he has to have at least a nursing apprenticeship experience, don't you?"

"Oh, shit! I forgot about that!" Mo Xuanyu flicked his own forehead. "Can't he work like a helper or janitor or something?"

"It's ok, we don't think this working environment will be suitable for Luo Tianzhu." Shen Yuan pushed Luo Binghe to the door. "Sorry for the bother."

"Not at all." Wen Qing nodded, then look back to her papers. "Feel free to visit if you ever got ill."

As Shen Yuan pushed forward, he asked this Mo Xuanyu. "The clinic is too complicated for my buddy here. Do you know something more... I don't know, less brain-powered type of job?"

"I can learn pretty fast, Yuan-gege." Luo Binghe said.

Shen Yuan whispered to him. "That's not the only problem. The madam boss seems to strict. And I don't want you to catch sickness from the patients."

"Okay." Luo Binghe agreed, though he does feel that Shen Yuan is being extremely picky.

Mo Xuanyu rubbed his chin. "Hmm, a less brain-powered job eh? Welp, you could always work at our shop! C'mon, it's this way!"

He lead them to a small, discreet shop called 'Wangxian Bunnies'. Another tall man was sitting at the doorstep, playing a guqin.

"Lan Wangji!" Mo Xuanyu called out and waved.

"Mn." The man seems to be suffering from some kind of face paralysis, since he always seem so expressionless.

"I've brought a possible worker today. Do you like bunnies, Luo Tianzhu?" He asked Luo Binghe.

"I suppose?" Luo Binghe answered, unsure.

"Well, you're in your best luck! Lang Wangji and I are breeding and selling bunnies. You could be our helper, maybe clean the dens and feed them and such. It'll be fun!"

"We don't need any helpers." Lan Wangji eyes Luo Binghe cautiously.

"Oh, don't be like that! We could always use an extra set of hands." Mo Xuanyu said patted Lan Wangji's back.

Shen Yuan's Guide to Babysitting a ProtagonistWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu