Chapter 8: Cry for Me

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The next day, Shen Yuan did buy a physical copy of Resentment of Chunsan at the event. There was a booth where the actors can sign it for you. This whole thing would have made Shen Yuan excited, and he would be cheering for himself for getting the book, if it weren't for the fact that this book would result to a truckload of tissues and ice cream.

The event was packed by both fans of Resentment of Chunsan and fans of the two actors. This will be their second work as co-stars. They are very amicable to each other, praising each other in interviews and delivering fanservice when needed.

In one of their interviews, they revealed that they actually first met each other when they working on the house of a once powerful family. The owned the Xian Le Corporation but that eventually went bankrupt and they went separate ways. By some stroke of fate, they met each other once again in the entertainment industry.

"Hello, would you like us to sign your copy for you?" Mu Qing asked a fan at the signing booth.

"Yes please!" The fangirl said.

The two signed the first page of the fangirl's copy. If someone was much more observant and didn't see these two as 'very perfect and devoted friends', they would have noticed that Mu Qing rolled his eyes when he saw Feng Xin's handwritting, and Feng Xin delivered a string of curses to him. Underneath the table, the two are continuously stepping on each other's foot.

Feng Xin whispered between his teeth, smiling and waving at the fans. "Damn you, Fu Yao. If it weren't for the Director Xie and his demonic producer boyfriend I wouldn't be sitting even a meter beside you."

"Go back to your monster of a child then, Nan Feng. Even without a cut-sleeve drama, girls would still go after your Great Masculinity." Mu Qing replied, also smiling and waving.

"F@#@&**, #&*:#*@@, _#&-$**!!!!"

"Mind your language. You're in an event, you hooligan." Mu Qing rolled his eyes again.

"I swear, if you roll your eyes on me one more time---"

They were interrupted by a fatigued and depressed Shen Yuan.

"Is there a problem here?" Shen Yuan asked, noticing them muttering to themselves.

"Ah, no. Nothing's wrong." Mu Qing said, trying not to sound sarcastic as he always do.

"Would you like your book signed?" Feng Xin managed to growl out. Playing nice isn't his thing, though most of the time he isn't really angry even if he looks like it.

"Um... Yes. If it's alright, I'd like to have it signed for a friend." Shen Yuan answered, his head hanging low.

"Not for yourself? What's the name of this lady friend of yours?" Feng Xin asked.

"Oh, he's..." Shen Yuan thought about it. "Can you put 'A gift from Shen' instead?"

"Ok." Mu Qing nodded. "Thanks for buying a copy, please look forward to our show."

"Thank you." Shen Yuan bowed to them and they also gave a slight bow.

"For once I thought there would be a male fan." Feng Xin said. "That guy look so pale and sick yet he still went to an event for his 'friend'. Do you think he will topple over?"

"I'm betting he won't last the whole day." Mu Qing replied and gave his signature rolling eyes. "Ay, young love is so foolish!"


When Shen Yuan went home, Luo Binghe quickly took the book from him and immediately read it. He read it day and night, sometimes out loud, crying at every single detail.

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