Chapter 13: Adorable Misunderstandings (Part 1)

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Luo Binghe actually liked working at the Sang Book Cafe. Since it was only the two of them, he also took part not only in cooking but also in serving the food and cleaning the floors and tables, while Nie Huaisang took the order at the counter and brewed coffee.

Their customers did increase due to the arrival of Luo Binghe, most of which were women. This brings also a high demand in BL books, which actually made Luo Binghe quite glad.

Sometimes Shen Yuan would visit wearing a mask and observing how he interacts with customers, but Luo Binghe is doing really well. He learned to cook the menu very quickly and take people's orders.

Shen Yuan couldn't help but sigh under his mask. Luo Binghe really was perfect.

"Yuan-gege, what can I get for you?" Luo Binghe asked wearing an apron and holding a tray in hand.

"What? How did you recognize me even with a mask!?" Shen Yuan mumbled in surprise. He even wore different glasses and outfit.

"I will always recognize you no matter what, Yuan-gege." Luo Binghe smiled. "Were you observing me? Am I doing well?"

"No! I'm just interested on the food here." Shen Yuan buried his face on the menu. "...What do you recommend?"

"Well, rice omelette had always been our bestseller, and it's quite easy to make." Luo Binghe suggested.

Suggesting the best seller is a great waiter move, Shen Yuan had to had admit. He can't help but feel so proud.

"Then that's what I'll have, along with iced coffee."

"What do you want me to write on the omelette?"


Luo Binghe pointed something at the menu. "You can ask to write something in ketchup. A personal message or anything you want. I can also draw, though I'm still learning to do it well. Sometimes the customer's request could be so detailed."

"Oh, really? What do they ask you to draw?"

"@#-$;*;"!$, @-*_#_', ¥^£™¢... Things like that."

Shen Yuan's faced turned red as a tomato. These people are really shameless!!!

"Just... Just put ketchup however you want on mine." Shen Yuan said, looking away.

"You don't have any special requests?" Luo Binghe asked. "Do you want to borrow a book while you wait—"


Luo Binghe couldn't help but laugh. "Yuan-gege, we're all adults here. Why are you so ashamed?"

Shen Yuan gritted his teeth. "I just don't feel comfortable reading this stuff in public, ok?! And most of these books are gay...."

Luo Binghe blinked. "But Yuan-gege, since I'm your boyfriend, doesn't that make you gay?"

"That was just an act!"

Luo Binghe's face darkened. "So you don't like men?"

"I... I don't know." Shen Yuan scratched his head. "Why do you sound so disappointed?"

"Nothing." Luo Binghe turned and left. "I'll be getting your order then."

Shen Yuan's heart pounded. Why does Luo Binghe care if I like men? Does he know my feelings for him? Does he also....

No. He only likes Shen Qingqiu. Get yourself together.

Meanwhile, Luo Binghe went over to the counter and meekly called for Nie Huaisang.

"Boss, can I ask you a question?" He said.

"Sure, there's no customers yet here at the counter anyway! Though I don't know much about things, so you'll have to forgive me for my dumbness." Nie Huaisang smiled apologetically.

Luo Binghe thinks his boss is far too humble. Nie Huaisang always denies that he knows things, but he's actually very smart and knows a lot. "My gege that I care about a lot came here and ordered an omelette....."

"Oh, you mean the guy you came here with when you employed here? What did he say about the cafe? Does he still hate it?"

"Yes. I think he's fine with me working here now. He said I'm doing well." Luo Binghe looked to the floor, ears tinged red. "I wanted to write something to show how much I appreciate him, but I'm not sure what I should write."

"Hmm...." Nie Huaisang rubbed his chin thoughtfully, like he was also puzzled (but we all know he really isn't.) "Maybe you should write "I ❤️ U."

"What does that mean?" Luo Binghe asks.

"It's to show appreciation for a friend." Nie Huaisang covered his face with a fan while smiling.

"I don't know how to write that." Luo Binghe began to cook the omelette rice.

Nie Huaisang took the ketchup pen. "Oh, let me help!"

When the omelette is finished, Nie Huaisang wrote a neat 'I Heart U' onto Shen Yuan's meal. "There!" He said, giving Luo Binghe a thumbs up.

"Thank you, boss." Luo Binghe happily took the omelette without even realizing what kind of reaction this would cost him.

"Here you go, Yuan-gege!" Luo Binghe rubbed the back of his head. "I have to go to the other customers now, excuse me."

"Thank you—" Shen Yuan received the delicious smelling plate, and immediately went in shock on what was written.

I 'heart' U????? W-Why would Luo Binghe....?

Luo Binghe... Loves him? Luo Binghe's confessing to him!?

He wanted to call out Luo Binghe for an explanation, but he's nowhere to be seen. He thought maybe Luo Binghe got shy and embarrassed to see how he will respond.

"This is all too fast..." Shen Yuan touched his pounding heart, trying to stay calm. "Does he not like Shen Qingqiu anymore? Maybe I'm reading on it too much? Where did he even learn what I 'heart' U meant anyway?"

Shen Yuan was really bewildered by all this and cautiously took a bite. It tastes really, really good. He was so touched by both Luo Binghe's scrumptious cooking and cute confession. Shen Yuan ate so happily.

Luo Binghe looked back to Shen Yuan from afar, observing his reaction. Shen Yuan seems to like it. And so, Luo Binghe, who was unaware that his boss had just tricked him into that cute confession, was still smiling to himself for being able to please his gege.

Two smiling idiots because of a misunderstanding.

It's rainy season and our house is really busy pushing out the leaking water, so I had to divide the chapter in half. I'm also feeling down contemplating about my life and stuff, like if I should even try becoming a novel writer. It feels like no matter what efforts I put, the world is unfair and I would never gain any readers or support for my original story ideas. I've been trying out Dreame and Webnovel since they offer money for authors and I really want to earn money at this age, but it seems useless because BL is not popular on both of those platforms and I'm not good at collecting a fanbase.

Or maybe I'm just not cut out to be a writer in general haha. I'll just be stuck with writing fanfictions for fun and become a minimum wage worker when I grow up. My family never did support me wanting to be a writer anyway, they think it's a useless job that won't earn any money.

Fuck, I'm making excuses again, sorry. I just wanted to explain why I can't update daily and what's stopping me from being in the mood to continue writing. I have no one to talk to about these stuff, that's why I'm ranting to you guys. I hope this would not affect how you see the fanfic and make you want to stop reading, but that's up to you. Don't worry, I'll try my best to force myself to get out of this self-deprecating bullshit and update more often. I don't need any pity either, just comment about what's happening in the story and forget about this rant.

Thanks for reading.

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